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Political correctness....


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I think it's time America gets away from this overly politically correct bullshit. Thanks to shows like the VIEW, and OPERA, America's become over feminized and way to fucking Politically correct. People are too damn butt hurt now a days over WORDS. Words are words, get the fuck over it. Like anything, if you are offended, go else where, don't listen, or turn the shit off. Freedom of speech is just that, THE FREEDOM. Anyone can say anything they want. Good or bad, it's a damn freedom.
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I think it's time America gets away from this overly politically correct bullshit. Thanks to shows like the VIEW, and OPERA, America's become over feminized and way to fucking Politically correct. People are too damn butt hurt now a days over WORDS. Words are words, get the fuck over it. Like anything, if you are offended, go else where, don't listen, or turn the shit off. Freedom of speech is just that, THE FREEDOM. Anyone can say anything they want. Good or bad, it's a damn freedom.



Another woman turn you down for coming on to strong?

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This is exactly why i am a liberal. Some of the incoherent nonsense I'm reading makes me feel sad about the current state of our educational system.


Your reference to liberals being anti-american/anti-flag is also ill conceived seeing as how the United States was created based on the sole ideals of freedom. Particularly freedom of speech/religion. By asking questions and speaking out against "whatever" the educated liberal/conservative is exercising one of their most valued rights.


Which brings me to my next point, I agree with you. Politically Correct nonsense has gone too far, but blaming the liberal/democratic party is wearing the virtual blinders at best. Rights are being taken away every day by the conservative/religious right (Patriot ACT anyone, and please don't tell me it has "PATRIOT" in the name SO IT CAN'T BE BAD !!!) playing the blame game is hypocritical and immature.

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Liberalism has degraded Americas reputation in the world. We are not thought of as an honorable country any longer, partially due to the constant attacks and lack of repect for the leaders of our country. How can we lead the world if we cant have a civil goverment.


I think that the liberals are responsible for the stomping of rights more than any other group. If you disagree with the liberal agendas, or dont believe in the secularism they label the person with names like racist, bigot ect.


The liberals have taken away the rights of people to express freedom of religion. Our children are not allowed to pray in school anymore, we take "under God" out of the pledge. All this in an effort to please the bleeding heart liberal that might be offended. I find it sad that we take God out of the schools and government, but when a kid walks into a school and mass murders other kids, then we have a religious service at the school. When plane get crashed into two buildings and bring them down, we have services in government centers. Liberals don't kick God out when you don't have a use for him, then open you doors to him after a crisis. That is a slap in the face.


In the past there were honorable democrates, before they have fell into bed with every "causiod" group that has a membership that the dems want to please. Look at who the base of the Dems voting core is: Moveon.org, Rainbow Flag carrying people, NAMBLA, and any other bleeding heart group.


As a rule of thumb liberaism is based on nothing more than "feelings" it is not based upon common sence, or economics. For example, social programs like welfare, or affirmative action. If you have programs like these, it serves to make the liberal feel good that he/she is "saving" the people from themselves, but it only enslaves them to the goverment for life.



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The liberals have taken away the rights of people to express freedom of religion. Our children are not allowed to pray in school anymore, we take "under God" out of the pledge. All this in an effort to please the bleeding heart liberal that might be offended. I find it sad that we take God out of the schools and government, but when a kid walks into a school and mass murders other kids, then we have a religious service at the school. When plane get crashed into two buildings and bring them down, we have services in government centers. Liberals don't kick God out when you don't have a use for him, then open you doors to him after a crisis. That is a slap in the face.



Not sure this can be expressed any better.

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This is exactly why i am a liberal. Some of the incoherent nonsense I'm reading makes me feel sad about the current state of our educational system.


Your reference to liberals being anti-american/anti-flag is also ill conceived seeing as how the United States was created based on the sole ideals of freedom. Particularly freedom of speech/religion. By asking questions and speaking out against "whatever" the educated liberal/conservative is exercising one of their most valued rights.


Which brings me to my next point, I agree with you. Politically Correct nonsense has gone too far, but blaming the liberal/democratic party is wearing the virtual blinders at best. Rights are being taken away every day by the conservative/religious right (Patriot ACT anyone, and please don't tell me it has "PATRIOT" in the name SO IT CAN'T BE BAD !!!) playing the blame game is hypocritical and immature.



That "incoherent nonsense" is a soldier's blind love for his country.


The Patriot Act was a good idea at the time. Kinda. It was drafted up to make the sheeple feel safer, but they severely fucked up with it, and now it has become something evil.


Since the lefties only have that ONE example to bring up, how about we explore the loss of rights they have caused?


1. The religious stuff that V8Killer spoke of above. I see no need to repeat what he said, but would like to mention that its hard to have a freedom of religion, when so many of them think there should be NO religion.


2. The great outdoors. Enviro-nazi's are trying to get massive amounts of state parks and other outdoor areas SHUT DOWN so that no one can use them for recreation. They also scare off game during hunting season.


3. Gun rights. What confuses me is how gun control proponents get the idea that "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" means anything other than that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.


4. Affirmative action. Designed to help people who....I dunno....had some disadvantage? Either way, it now means giving underqualified people jobs just to meet a certain statistic in order to feel all good and tingly inside for something that happened 150 years ago. How fair is that?


There's more of course, but I just woke up and I still need a ciggarette.

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Guest Wunna Dig Race


I think that the liberals are responsible for the stomping of rights more than any other group. If you disagree with the liberal agendas, or dont believe in the secularism they label the person with names like racist, bigot ect.


The liberals have taken away the rights of people to express freedom of religion. Our children are not allowed to pray in school anymore, we take "under God" out of the pledge. All this in an effort to please the bleeding heart liberal that might be offended. I find it sad that we take God out of the schools and government, but when a kid walks into a school and mass murders other kids, then we have a religious service at the school. When plane get crashed into two buildings and bring them down, we have services in government centers. Liberals don't kick God out when you don't have a use for him, then open you doors to him after a crisis. That is a slap in the face.


In the past there were honorable democrates, before they have fell into bed with every "causiod" group that has a membership that the dems want to please. Look at who the base of the Dems voting core is: Moveon.org, Rainbow Flag carrying people, NAMBLA, and any other bleeding heart group.


As a rule of thumb liberaism is based on nothing more than "feelings" it is not based upon common sence, or economics. For example, social programs like welfare, or affirmative action. If you have programs like these, it serves to make the liberal feel good that he/she is "saving" the people from themselves, but it only enslaves them to the goverment for life.





Amen brotha GOD BLESS THE USA Go Republican

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Liberalism has degraded Americas reputation in the world. We are not thought of as an honorable country any longer, partially due to the constant attacks and lack of repect for the leaders of our country. How can we lead the world if we cant have a civil goverment.


I think that the liberals are responsible for the stomping of rights more than any other group. If you disagree with the liberal agendas, or dont believe in the secularism they label the person with names like racist, bigot ect.


The liberals have taken away the rights of people to express freedom of religion. Our children are not allowed to pray in school anymore, we take "under God" out of the pledge. All this in an effort to please the bleeding heart liberal that might be offended. I find it sad that we take God out of the schools and government, but when a kid walks into a school and mass murders other kids, then we have a religious service at the school. When plane get crashed into two buildings and bring them down, we have services in government centers. Liberals don't kick God out when you don't have a use for him, then open you doors to him after a crisis. That is a slap in the face.


In the past there were honorable democrates, before they have fell into bed with every "causiod" group that has a membership that the dems want to please. Look at who the base of the Dems voting core is: Moveon.org, Rainbow Flag carrying people, NAMBLA, and any other bleeding heart group.


As a rule of thumb liberaism is based on nothing more than "feelings" it is not based upon common sence, or economics. For example, social programs like welfare, or affirmative action. If you have programs like these, it serves to make the liberal feel good that he/she is "saving" the people from themselves, but it only enslaves them to the goverment for life.




Having the words "under God" in the pledge is forced religion. Allowing people to pray in the workplace (or school) should be allowed, as it does not infringe on anyone elses beliefs.


Also, when you say "the liberals", please describe this group of people. Specifically.





I think that the liberals are responsible for the stomping of rights more than any other group.


This is an extremely ignorant statement.

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Having the words "under God" in the pledge is forced religion. Allowing people to pray in the workplace (or school) should be allowed, as it does not infringe on anyone elses beliefs.


Also, when you say "the liberals", please describe this group of people. Specifically.



No one forces you to say the pledge. You don't like it, don't say it. But don't tell us to take it out because it hurt your little feelings. The current trend. Please reread the thread I outlined liberals.



I think that the liberals are responsible for the stomping of rights more than any other group.

This is an extremely ignorant statement.


That is my opinion, therefore I began the statement with "I think".

Please try your " I am smarter than you" crap on someone else, it does not work with me or anyone else around here.

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No one forces you to say the pledge. You don't like it, don't say it. But don't tell us to take it out because it hurt your little feelings. The current trend. Please reread the thread I outlined liberals.





That is my opinion, therefore I began the statement with "I think".

Please try your " I am smarter than you" crap on someone else, it does not work with me or anyone else around here.



But I am smarter than you. :)


So in your opinion we should have our children recite the pledge of allegiance exactly as it was written?


EDIT: Also, I read that you wrote liberals. Please, define who "liberals" are, as a group. You used no other limiting language, and your meaning is unclear.

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Religion should not be part of government, nor should it be forced upon others in school. That doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to pray because they should be. It should never be a curriculum. Thats what private schools are for.



Also, our "cowboy" international policy is what has given us a blackeye in the international community, not being liberal. Prime Minister Brown (recently appointed in the UK) campaigned on not being whipping boy for the U.S. due to an overall dissatisfaction with the Iraq war. Other similarly developed countries almost all share a more liberal point of view than us, and they prosper. Less violent crime, despite less religion. Healthcare is provided to citizens as a right. Their Euros and Pounds outweigh our dollar by a margin that will likely continue to grow. I'm not saying we should become france though, I am moderately liberal and share some consistently conservative points of view, such as gun-rights, and privacy. However the biggest offenders to privacy over the last 8 or so years have conservatives, so I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Also the pledge of allegiance did not originally contain the phrase "UNDER GOD" when it was written. That little part was added in 1954 by Eisenhower (surprise, surprise a conservative) so anyone who states we should "keep it as it was written" in defense of keeping the words "UNDER GOD" is sorely mistaken. Though I agree, it should be kept as written.

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But I am smarter than you. :)


So in your opinion we should have our children recite the pledge of allegiance exactly as it was written?


EDIT: Also, I read that you wrote liberals. Please, define who "liberals" are, as a group. You used no other limiting language, and your meaning is unclear.

Since you are so smart, you should realize that a high IQ and a Mensa membership wont buy you a hamburger at McDonald's. Intelligence has more to it than just IQ. In my experience "A" students work for the "C" students. :D

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