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However the biggest offenders to privacy over the last 8 or so years have conservatives, so I'm not sure how I feel about that.


Yea... we should forget about the last 40+ years of the liberal agenda that have wrecked families and degraded the moral fibers of the country.

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Since you are so smart, you should realize that a high IQ and a Mensa membership wont buy you a hamburger at McDonald's. Intelligence has more to it than just IQ. In my experience "A" students work for the "C" students. :D



Are you going to respond to what I posted, or just attempt to insinuate that your inferior intellect makes you a superior person?

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Yea... we should forget about the last 40+ years of the liberal agenda that have wrecked families and degraded the moral fibers of the country.


"Moral Fiber" is a subjective term, you always seem to forget what you may consider "moral" does not nessesarily align to what I may consider moral (although in most criminal cases I'm sure we agree, stealing, murder, rape, whatnot) therefore claiming a breakdown of moral fiber is moot as it does not pertain to me. Lets stop pretending the Right Wing is so "right"eous, excuse my pun, and I hope you won't make me make a point to actually name the most egregious offenders. At least when a liberal gets caught snorting coke off a strippers ass we were never condeming it in the first place ... (theres humor in that statement ... just laugh)


All politicians are greedy and care more about themselves than you or me, though they are a nessesary evil, bash liberals as much as you like the fact remains that both sides are nessesary to maintain any resemblance of balance amongst opposing opinions.

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I find it funny that people got worked up over "Under God". It doesn't say my god, your god, our god, just God and leaves it open for you to decide what god your are under. If you are aetheist well then no one can help you.


Liberals suck and just need to be put into their place, the reason they hate GW so much is because he beat you TWICE, and you still have sand in your vagina over it. Liberals are killing this country but their "sheep" don't realize it yet.

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Are you going to respond to what I posted, or just attempt to insinuate that your inferior intellect makes you a superior person?

Why should I respond to your question... you know everything anyhow. If I answer, you will try your e-smartness to find an angle to justify yourself.

As far as my inferior intellect.. I will match up my achievements against yours any day. :p

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You may think I'm an un-educated Redneck, but in actuality I'm not. Granted I went to Catholic school for my education, and why I didn't go to college (yet), I got my degree in the school of hard knocks from the United States Army. People are getting too damn mouthy with bashing the President and this GREAT nation of ours. I think it's almost time to start taking the freedoms people take for granted away. Not too long ago, it would be called TREASON for what people are saying and doing now. I have no problem with freedom of speech, BUT you bleeding heart liberals are FORCING your shitty values upon our GREAT Nation. You don't see the other sides forcing like the liberals. I'm supposed to act, think, and be uber liberal in today's society. Ohh I can't say this, ohh I can't worship here, I can't do this because it's not "right" or "correct" in the eyes of you hippy, tie-die infested hippies. I don't jump on the feminist, Opera loving bandwagon like many are. Example Dixie Chicks, with a damn near 98% audience of shear Patriots, tells the world Bush is a sack of shit in less words. Thank the Lord for Toby Keith and others like him. Not everyone believes everything is wrong in society, I blame it on the sheltered ignorant pricks the liberal/Democrats are. Amen. Vote for Ted!
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Why should I respond to your question... you know everything anyhow. If I answer, you will try your e-smartness to find an angle to justify yourself.

As far as my inferior intellect.. I will match up my achievements against yours any day. :p


Pony up and answer the fucking question. You say that liberals are destroying the country, yet you can't define what a liberal is. You might as well say that gremlins are destroying the country, or gnomes or elves for that matter. Tell us who you are talking about.


One of my very good friends owns a very successful law firm, and has stated that he would trade jobs with me any day of the week. I have done everything I have on a high school education. While I take pride in my achievements, I really don't feel the need to justify them to you; but if you want to get together and do just that, I'd be more than happy to do so.

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You may think I'm an un-educated Redneck, but in actuality I'm not. Granted I went to Catholic school for my education, and why I didn't go to college (yet), I got my degree in the school of hard knocks from the United States Army. People are getting too damn mouthy with bashing the President and this GREAT nation of ours. I think it's almost time to start taking the freedoms people take for granted away. Not too long ago, it would be called TREASON for what people are saying and doing now. I have no problem with freedom of speech, BUT you bleeding heart liberals are FORCING your shitty values upon our GREAT Nation. You don't see the other sides forcing like the liberals. I'm supposed to act, think, and be uber liberal in today's society. Ohh I can't say this, ohh I can't worship here, I can't do this because it's not "right" or "correct" in the eyes of you hippy, tie-die infested hippies. I don't jump on the feminist, Opera loving bandwagon like many are. Example Dixie Chicks, with a damn near 98% audience of shear Patriots, tells the world Bush is a sack of shit in less words. Thank the Lord for Toby Keith and others like him. Not everyone believes everything is wrong in society, I blame it on the sheltered ignorant pricks the liberal/Democrats are. Amen. Vote for Ted!

Nancy Pelosi is someone I think should be tried for treason for the actions of undermining the administration. You are right about some that would be the modern day Benedict Arnold.


Our country is infested with the lack of responsibility that has been reinforced by the liberal agenda. Children are taught that there is no loser, dodge ball is not allowed in some schools because some Birkenstock wearing, tree hugging parent is worried about the long term effects of their kid not being fast enough to survive dodge ball. As I am writing this another thought just came to mind. The Liberals should love competitive games like this. They teach survival of the fittest. Since all of them know that we came from pond scum at one point in time. They should love the type that is portrayed in the game. Slow kid... not fast enough to dodge the ball, he is out. Just like not being able to out run the predator that was trying to eat our ancestors, your to slow you are out.


Come to think of it. The Liberals should not be endorsing social programs such as welfare. All they are doing is interrupting the survival of the fittest. We feed the people that don't work then the bad lazy genes get passed along.


As you can see liberalism is filled with contradictions

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Exactly, Liberals don't own up to their own shit. It's always someone else, or somebody else, or they did it. It's flat out bullshit, and wrong. Own up to what you do, Bush is being one hell of a man by doing what he does. HE may have been "wrong" the eyes of few, but RIGHT in so MANY others, including mine. He was given Lemmons from Clinton, and had to piss out lemmonade.
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Pony up and answer the fucking question. You say that liberals are destroying the country, yet you can't define what a liberal is. You might as well say that gremlins are destroying the country, or gnomes or elves for that matter. Tell us who you are talking about.


So are you saying that you cant define what a Liberal is? So much for the Mensa card.


Here is my definition: A liberal is full of hatred for past Ideas, such as family values, strong united government, and completely intolerant of the people that still believe in them. Liberals at one time were open to other ideals but they have gone the other way. As a matter of fact, one could argue that conservatives and liberals have switched place.

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Wow, you conservative's/republican's, or whatever the fuck you would like to be called are so blinded by you're own pride it honestly makes me laugh.


I don't get into politic's so I won't bother stating my point of view but so far sol740 is one of the few people that actually makes any sense.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but word's can never hurt me...


EDIT: I don't have a problem with most republican's/conservative's only the people so far right they have lost thier sight of reality. Mistakes have been made on both sides of the fence, you can't lay all the blame solely on liberal's.

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Wow, you conservative's/republican's, or whatever the fuck you would like to be called are so blinded by you're own pride it honestly makes me laugh.


thats ok... you guys make me cry. :(

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I feel like i'm in the episode of South Park when they tried to divide the town w/ a line and force Kyle and Stan to vote.


I wouldn't consider myself a Democrat by any means but I do have a problem with being considered unpatriotic b/c I strongly disagree with a majority of the decisions made by the C average student elected as president and his administration. You want to bitch about the rights of people being taken away, what about my right to listen to the radio and enjoy entertainment like Stern? The religious right helped me make that decision. I also like going out with the boys every once in a while and hitting up a gentleman's club, but again the religious right wants to make sure that I stand 10ft away (if they manage to not shut down the business) from the dancers b/c of all the drugs and crime I will bring into the community as a result. Never once has a nice pair of fake tit's pushed me to go hit some powder or steal a car. Some of these fanatic religious groups are like asshole home owners associations. The fact of the matter is someone's right are getting f'd in the A no matter what side you vote for.


I don't agree with social programs when they are abused any more than you do. But the fact of the matter is that there are legitimate people who need help and who do not abuse it. Sometimes people fuck up and need a little help getting back on their feet, until your in those shoes I guess its easy to sit back and judge. Heaven forbid there be any incentive to get off assistance (like capping it for those capable people sitting on their asses).


I could give a shit if the next president is democrat or republican, neither party is ready to make a tough decision on any of the 'major' issues that most people base their vote on. Don't paint me an asshole b/c I don't support the war or think highly of the president/administration. I don't think your an asshole for agreeing with them.

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So are you saying that you cant define what a Liberal is? So much for the Mensa card.


Here is my definition: A liberal is full of hatred for past Ideas, such as family values, strong united government, and completely intolerant of the people that still believe in them. Liberals at one time were open to other ideals but they have gone the other way. As a matter of fact, one could argue that conservatives and liberals have switched place.


Dictionary definition:


a often capitalized : a movement in modern Protestantism emphasizing intellectual liberty and the spiritual and ethical content of Christianity

b : a theory in economics emphasizing individual freedom from restraint and usually based on free competition, the self-regulating market, and the gold standard

c : a political philosophy based on belief in progress, the essential goodness of the human race, and the autonomy of the individual and standing for the protection of political and civil liberties

d capitalized : the principles and policies of a Liberal party


From wikipedia:


Classical liberalism emphasizes free private enterprise, individual property rights, laissez-faire economic policy, and freedom of contract, and opposes the welfare state. Classical liberals support equality before the law and hold that economic inequality, arising naturally from competition in the free market, does not justify forced wealth redistribution.


New liberals advocate a greater degree of government influence to protect individual rights (in a broad sense), often in the form of anti-discrimination laws. New liberals support universal education, and many also support welfare, including benefits for the unemployed, housing for the homeless, and medical care for the sick, all supported by progressive taxation.




As you can see, there are many different definitions of the word "liberal", and very few people follow any of these ideals to the letter. Too often people concern themselves with labels and specific groups of people. In my opinion both sides of what you consider to be liberal vs. conservative (which is too broad to define, that is the point I was making) have wonderful ideas. We need to focus on making the country better, rather than making the "opposing side" (in quotes because we are all Americans) look wrong. Generalizing only allows you to close your mind.

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Classical liberalism emphasizes free private enterprise, individual property rights, laissez-faire economic policy, and freedom of contract, and opposes the welfare state. Classical liberals support equality before the law and hold that economic inequality, arising naturally from competition in the free market, does not justify forced wealth redistribution.


New liberals advocate a greater degree of government influence to protect individual rights (in a broad sense), often in the form of anti-discrimination laws. New liberals support universal education, and many also support welfare, including benefits for the unemployed, housing for the homeless, and medical care for the sick, all supported by progressive taxation.




As you can see, there are many different definitions of the word "liberal", and very few people follow any of these ideals to the letter. Too often people concern themselves with labels and specific groups of people. In my opinion both sides of what you consider to be liberal vs. conservative (which is too broad to define, that is the point I was making) have wonderful ideas. We need to focus on making the country better, rather than making the "opposing side" (in quotes because we are all Americans) look wrong. Generalizing only allows you to close your mind.


Just from your definition above... can you see how liberals and conservative have change place in the past few decades?


In my opinion, the Dems/liberals have been the ones stirring the pot. Continually, belittling and and combating the current administration is not going to help our nation.


Generalizations, often have solid basis that precedes the conclusion.

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