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Anyone in the Reserves?


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you can sign up for different terms but in time of war you WILL BE extended. Also, know now, you will be deployed to Iraq. If all of that is fine with you, the benefits are pretty good and the money isn't.
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you can sign up for different terms but in time of war you WILL BE extended. Also, know now, you will be deployed to Iraq. If all of that is fine with you, the benefits are pretty good and the money isn't.



Not entirely true.


I have been in the military doe 15 years, and have seen many sides to things.

The reserves and the guard are different. The guard serves the State to help when state emergencies pop up. However, the guard is also leased out to the Federal Gov. for money and training. A new mission, other than state, is coming about because the Guard has shown that it does some things better that the active component.

Reserves were suppose to be just that, in reserve. If the active duty unit is called in, the reserve unit would replace it at it's duty station or in another support form. Now, they too are called to there own tasks.

Not everyone is getting deployed in the future. It completely depends on what you do. And you are not going to get extended; unless you are deployed toward the end of your contract, as I was. My last contract was up in March of 2005. I came home from Iraq in march of 05. They can't just say, ok, you're all set. I had 90days off and then I could have gotten out. If you are about to get out and your unit is called, you may still have to go and would be involuntarily extended. Out of a 6 year enlistment, for this to happen would be very rare timing.

Benefits are a good thing. There are way too many to list, but the one everyone knows is your school is paid for. If you think you are going to join and get free school and get out of going if you are called, do not sign up for an MOS that is likely to get called.

The pay is not great. But, the bonus's they have now make up for that when you are just starting out. If you were deployed, you can live off what you make, as long as you don't blow your $ on DVD's and CD's like most people do.


There are a lot of good things about going/being in the military. I know in 5 years I will have a pension waiting for me and I'll be only 37. It doesn't seem real. But, the experience and the long term benefits are not bad when you look at how cooperations are no longer taking care off people who have been with them for 20yrs.

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