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Win the lottery?


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Nah, just get framed by the FBI and go to jail for 29 years.




I remember a time in which I thought stuff like this only happened in movies, ignorance is bliss.


na I rather win the lotto and keep my 30 years of freedom. but thanks for offering. :)

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The thing is that these guys were obviously 'affiliated' with organized crime, meaning they probably did plenty of stuff that was worthy of jail time, but in the end they look like the victims and the taxpayers have to put $100M into their pockets. Way to go FBI.
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The thing is that these guys were obviously 'affiliated' with organized crime, meaning they probably did plenty of stuff that was worthy of jail time, but in the end they look like the victims and the taxpayers have to put $100M into their pockets. Way to go FBI.


True, im sure they could've been found guilty on countless other crimes but the fact of the matter is the FBI commited purgery, with held evidence contrary to what was presented at trial then lied about it all. I think whats even worse is that the general public likes to view the FBI as the last bastion of justice, cops can be bought, hell even whole departments can be crooked but the FBI?! the money sum was good, but i hope some field agents lost their career's over this.

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