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Should motorcyclists be required to wear helmets??


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YOU ARE STILL MISSING THE FUCKING POINT. WE ARE NOT SAYING ITS SMART TO RIDE WITHOUT A HELMENT. We are saying we don't need another fucking law. Your types wont be happy till we have no freedom every single phone call is recorded and you have random piss tests every day to test for aynthing they goverment deems not good. That could be caffine that could be fucking anyhting. the more rights you give away the harder it is the maintain the ones you have.


Stop with the what if's and focus on the helmet.


The "man" has been tapping our phones for decades. Satelites do a lot more than they will ever tell you, and as Americans we have never been free.


I think the post about making people that choose not to wear helmets pay higher premiums is perfect.

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This all plays into what I've stated. It may seem off topic but if you step back and look my point is laws should not be made around stupid shit or beliefs. Just because someone is concerened that if they hit someone they will feel bad about it. Fundie BS
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Bill wear your fucking helmet and shut the fuck up, you wear one, I have seen you. You should only be arguing if you don't wear one, otherwise the law does not affect you. Remember if you are really set on not wearing a helmet and there is a law, don't. I don't like the front license plate law so I don't have them on my cars. If I get caught it is voluntary taxation and I will pay the fine. Truth be told you are not going to go to jail for not wearing a helmet. I'm sure you speed, roll through stop signs, don't signal a turn or a lane change every now and then, STREET RACE...... what is one more traffic law to break. The law would save many lives, this is a fact.
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I do wear a helment. And a Jacket and gloves and soon pants and boots. But I just hate more and more laws. I stand up for my beliefe that people have the right to live the way they choose.



I'm done with this thread.

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you've missed the point from day one....riding a bike and driving a car aren't your rights.......they're a privilege granted to you by folks that make the law. you have a choice to abide by the rules they set or you run the risk of paying the price and possibly losing the privilege to ride/drive.


you're arguments are based solely on the childish premise that you don't get to make the ultimate decision on what you can and can't do without being put in a time-out. guess, what, it's all around you and that's not going to change. don't change with the times and you'll be left behind.


want to do whatever you dang well please, then go buy some land, name it Liberal Island and enjoy. otherwise, enjoy the society you are a part of and realize that your rights and freedoms aren't decided by you alone. don't like it, then feel free to continue whining while the rest of the world evolves and enjoys the freedoms they have. stop looking at what you can't do and do something with what you can do. you live among others not in a bubble.


YOU ARE STILL MISSING THE FUCKING POINT. WE ARE NOT SAYING ITS SMART TO RIDE WITHOUT A HELMENT. We are saying we don't need another fucking law. Your types wont be happy till we have no freedom every single phone call is recorded and you have random piss tests every day to test for aynthing they goverment deems not good. That could be caffine that could be fucking anyhting. the more rights you give away the harder it is the maintain the ones you have.
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it's more than how one feels after an accident, that point has been made overly clear. all the other implications that affect others, etc....are in play.


the only stupid shit is that folks are acting like kids and throwing adult temper tantrums about being told what to do for their own good as well as the good of other individuals and businesses that are impacted by the poor choice of riding without a helmet.


my son did the same thing this morning when I told him he couldn't stand on the bathroom sink. once he's older and see's the light, he'll understand I had to look out for his own safety because he's too young and lacks the capacity to do so. the law is simply doing the same thing only with bigger kids.


This all plays into what I've stated. It may seem off topic but if you step back and look my point is laws should not be made around stupid shit or beliefs. Just because someone is concerened that if they hit someone they will feel bad about it. Fundie BS
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I do wear a helment. And a Jacket and gloves and soon pants and boots. But I just hate more and more laws. I stand up for my beliefe that people have the right to live the way they choose. I'm done with this thread.


you absolutely have the right to live the way you choose until the action you're involved in begins to affect society as a whole in a negative way. then be prepared to prove a case, not just whine about rights and your beliefs.


make the case that proves there's nothing impacting those around you, including businesses, in a negative way because like it or not, rules, regulations and laws are not black and white and if a negative impact is seen, society can and will adjust and change to reduce or eliminate the impact. we don't live in the 18th century and simply walk around with the constitution in our hand anymore. our society is much further evolved and the governing bodies are much different than days gone by. that's why I say, change or get left behind. welcome to America.


if you're done with this thread, then go begin building your case and fight the helmet laws and those supporting it with some real ammunition in front of legislation or break ground on Liberal Island; your choice.

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exactly...and it goes beyond that....my wife consistatnly see's folks who can't even pay the medical deductable on their bills and then they go belly up in a Chapter 7.......or hopefully a more accountable chapter 13. that costs all of us in the end because someone without common sense or the money to man up and pay their bills decides to "fuck the system" and pass the buck.


it amazes me that everyone is so quick to blame the system or other drivers or others in general.


They shouldn't have the right to not pay medical bills when they wreck. I say if you can post a 100k bond to show you can pay for medical costs then go ahead and ride with no lid.
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