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Tonight 28 July


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was fun tonight, thanks again Hal for reminding me how hot the Atomic sauce was lol, I sat there and looked at that pitcher of water and it made me so thirsty, but it would made it even worse hahaha, but it was fun hanging out with you guys
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was fun tonight, thanks again Hal for reminding me how hot the Atomic sauce was lol, I sat there and looked at that pitcher of water and it made me so thirsty, but it would made it even worse hahaha, but it was fun hanging out with you guys


I was the one who asked the waitress for it. I was seriously thinking of trying it until I dipped my finger in it. Uhh.. no fucking way.


Yes.. That happened a year or so ago when we went there. Sat on the roof. About 5-10 minutes later here they come.


Someone should have told them were going to do Grand Turismo and time each person who gets from the top to the bottom the fastest.

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Damn rent-a-cops...


Atomic sauce FTL.


I can't believe I lost to an LS1, good run Ant.


Did I see Amy and Randy racing when I got off at Westerville?


That was me and randy ( I think). Went from around 50-60 to burried my speedo (120ish). I got him by a half a car or what not. I still can't figure that out. For some reason I"m traping 100-102. He's trapping 108 yet I bet him from a roll? WTF mate.


oh, I also got owned hardcore by that green Talon.

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Amy race a neon AND SHE WINS! Finally! lol (I still love you Randy haha)


Good good night. Except for the cops at Easton, then more cops following rx-7s going like a bat outta hell then cops following amy off n. broadway.. cops cops cops lol Next week, let's go for less cops :-)

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What A great time it was dont even know who it was I was racing after we left easton, i was having so much fun next thing I know i realize im going toward dayton. I missed the exit for 71 lol. I think I surprized Hal, I was following him and Anthony while they raced and I came right up on his ass. LOL
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I was the one who asked the waitress for it. I was seriously thinking of trying it until I dipped my finger in it. Uhh.. no fucking way.


Yes.. That happened a year or so ago when we went there. Sat on the roof. About 5-10 minutes later here they come.


Someone should have told them were going to do Grand Turismo and time each person who gets from the top to the bottom the fastest.



agreed ten fold man...i dont understand whats going on with my car...i need to take it to someone...its been progressively getting way worse.....doesnt have the same get go anymore....ut oh's.....big diff in traps....i dont understand it either....

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All passenger's riding in vehicles racing against mine must be supplied earmuffs.


Thanks for the run, Hal. I almost ate that wall, then your car, though. 60-90mph sliding is a PITA, but all part of the adrenaline rush, and I feel sorry for Ashley's ears :D


We need to do more cruises, like old school CR. It was great not having the dumbasses this time ruining things.

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sounds like a good night all around guys. wish I would've made it out there but after working on the car for 8hours i was beat, i think i was in bed around 11, lol, oh well, always next weekend.
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Casey and I were at the Deleware car show all day.. the most badass thing Ive ever been to as far as cruise in's (just a fyi)


Glad you made it - I had a great time. When the sun went down and the crowds thinned out a bit it was pretty nice. We did get hit with a surpirse downpour.

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Sounds like I missed a good time but I, for one had fun Friday night! Got to follow Ray and Amy out of QS and L - wish I had video - I could make some $$. As a bonus got to tangle with Amy on 270 on the way home.



Pretty good race I thought. I just cant wait to get tuned tomorrow.. wont sound like a shotgun shifting gears then haha!


We will have to redo the race next weekend (as long as my buddy Ray doesn't call me that he's lost again :-P j/k ray!


Casey, downpour huh.. glad I made it home. Are the mirriors still shiney? :-P Oh yes, and I rode in a f-body. :-)

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Pretty good race I thought. I just cant wait to get tuned tomorrow.. wont sound like a shotgun shifting gears then haha!




Yep - the flames shooting out of your tailpipes between shifts was pretty cool - again that video would have been good!

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