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Who has made a big move, like out of State?


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I've only had to move a few times in my life, the last time being from Hilliard to GC when we had our house built 7 years ago! The U-Haul was loaded down with 80% "hand-me-downs" and half way to the new house I said screw this and took a detour to the Salvation Army. Whatever they didn't want went in the dumpster next door.


Now...over the past 7 years I've accumulated a ton of "stuff", to some (my wife) would consider junk. It's mainly garage/car stuff but it's basically stuff that isn't worth much of anything to most. It's the little stuff that you hang on to forever and then one day throw it out because you get sick of not having enough room. Then sure enough the time comes when you or someone you know could have used that piece, part, tool or whatever.


I know I need to have a Yard Sale and after that I will have a better idea where I stand, but where do you draw the line? I know 7 years ago it felt really good donating/throwing all that stuff away and then starting over. This time we're moving to Florida so the less I have to move, the easier and cheaper it will be.


Ok, I'm done rambling.

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i dunno, but if its mustang/car related or tools I could always use some, i'd be willing to come dig around in the garage or at a yard sale/whatnot.


i've moved twice on my own, after moving out of my parents i mean, and i went from bexley, to worthington, to dublin, lol, not too far.

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Don't get rid of stuff that is sentimental. Always keep those things. Have a yard sale, pitch what you havent used in the last year and you know probably won't sell. Then see where you stand, if you are still packed with lots of stuff then donate things or get a bigger U-Haul. :-) Best of luck BC.. you guys keep in touch!!
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moved philly-london, london-milan, milan-rome, rome-philly, philly-ohio...

the more you can keep, the less you will have to buy. its always nice having stuff just laying around, because you know that as soon as you get rid of it, you will need it..


keep everything sentimental, and then whatever you can fit. but after that, dont worry about it. you will just have more space to collect more random stuff!

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CT-OH, then OH-Boston in september (for good, hopefully). My family has a really bad habit of hoarding shit like a pack o rats. just last year i threw away my baby stroller cuz my parents were talking about giving it to me when i had kids of my own....cuz of course, i'll use a 30 year old baby stroller. right.



some shit is sentimental, but if its going to go from collecting dust in your basement now to the moving van to collecting dust in your new basement, just throw it out or sell it for cheap. craigslist will be your friend, just always say "Scammers will be reported" at the end of your ad so it'll ward away 90% of the scammers.

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