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pulled left side of back while working out yesterday. any thoughts??


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well i was working out tuesday and it was back day. I haven't done any heavy back workouts in awhile since i'm now getting back into lifting. well i did some deadlifts then upright rows along with some lat pulldowns. come wednesday my lower back was sore. not "i cant move" sore but sore enough to know i pushed my back harder then i shouldve since i was just getting back into working out. now come today (thursday) my back feels even worse. i noticed last night when my gf was giving me a back rub that my left side of my back from top to bottom is tensed up and stiff. i'm assuming that i pulled or twisted a muslce?? in any case, it feels stiff all the time and the only time if feels ok is when i'm laying down in bed or sitting at a certain angle on a chair. the gf rubbed icy hot on it last night and put a cold compress on it also for a bit which seemed to ease the discomfort for a bit.


any thoughts on what this could be and if so how could i help myself to get better. thanks guys for any input.



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I'm no workout expert but sounds like a classic pulled muscle in the back which I've had before. The stuff you've tried already is good but your next step is likely a doctor so you can get some muscle relaxer...works wonders!
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I guessing on something here. You're right handed? Those 3 exercises are the you did or your back are very stressful. With out proper form (sounds like what happened) or too much weight too soon (could be the combo), you are going to end up with the pulled muscle you have. Tight and tender = muscle. Pinched or sharp pain = nerve,tendon, or ligament.


Muscle treatment: 1st 72 hours use ice. If still tender, hot soak in a tub is ok, but you need to stretch slowly and get mobility back into the muscle. You should do this several times a day.

If it's not a muscle, this is going to suck ass. Not other way to say it. Hope for a pinched nerve. That is just a twist from a chiropractor usually, and you're ok. Anything else, see a DR. and take your time not to stress the injury.


Hope that helps a little.

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muscle strain. a few days rest and then return to activities. take some anti-inflammatories, and let this be a lesson about pushing yourself too hard. the pain will pass. things to be concerned about are numbness/tingling shooting down your legs, or pronounced weakness in one of your legs. you'll be fine.
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to the comments above. yes i had a belt on but no I am left handed. yea i knew after doing these exercises that i was in for a treat the day after and it seems to be the case. its like every action i do during the day besides sleep irritates my back bad. its still really stiff on that left side and its a pain to bend down or sit for periods of time. out of all the years i've lifted i've never pulled my back before so maybe thats why i'm worried about it. i think imma go to the hospital and get it checked out and hopefully taken care of. keep the comments comming. I sure do appreciate them




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don't waste your time/money unless you have any of the symptoms i listed. we don't even order x-rays unless the pain has been going on for a few weeks, or unless there is a more traumatic accident. if you have a family doctor (and you should), you can set up an appointment to see them.



  white said:
to the comments above. yes i had a belt on but no I am left handed. yea i knew after doing these exercises that i was in for a treat the day after and it seems to be the case. its like every action i do during the day besides sleep irritates my back bad. its still really stiff on that left side and its a pain to bend down or sit for periods of time. out of all the years i've lifted i've never pulled my back before so maybe thats why i'm worried about it. i think imma go to the hospital and get it checked out and hopefully taken care of. keep the comments comming. I sure do appreciate them




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  kirks5oh said:
don't waste your time/money unless you have any of the symptoms i listed. we don't even order x-rays unless the pain has been going on for a few weeks, or unless there is a more traumatic accident. if you have a family doctor (and you should), you can set up an appointment to see them.

Question: What can a family Dr. do other than mask symptoms?

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As someone who went threw hell with back problems (c2/c3 are fused now) So a Chirofisrt. My chiro helped me emensely we found out my muslce pain was a pinched nerve and a adjustment made it ease up quite a bit. I also do not suggest the pain killer route. I got the point on Oxy's where I had to have them or i shook. FUCK THAT SHIT.


Dr. Rick could do a X-ray for you im not sure how much but I would talk to him first. As much as I hated phyiscal Therapy after my surgery it helped so much. I know can bend over run jump and anything else I did as a child. Minus turn my head all the way.

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  V8KILR said:
Question: What can a family Dr. do other than mask symptoms?



prescribe a week or two worth of pain killers to mask the symptoms---$15 copay, $5-$10 for the lortab, a few days rest, and then it will be as if nothing ever happened---you and i both know this is true 99% of the time.


the other 1% will have persistent pain, get x-rays/MRI, etc, etc.

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well i went to the docs and they said i pulled the left side of my back pretty good and its stiff w/ some muscle spasms here and there. they prescribed a muscle relaxer and also a pain reliever/inflammatory reducer as well. they also assisted me in calling a physical therapist so that they can get a better look at my back as well. soonest appt. is next wed. so hopefully by stretching and continuing to be active, my back will loosen up and be good by then. thanks for all the comments



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  kirks5oh said:
prescribe a week or two worth of pain killers to mask the symptoms---$15 copay, $5-$10 for the lortab, a few days rest, and then it will be as if nothing ever happened---you and i both know this is true 99% of the time.


the other 1% will have persistent pain, get x-rays/MRI, etc, etc.

:bs: I guess that degenerative changes in the spine just appear without any cause at all.

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  V8KILR said:
:bs: I guess that degenerative changes in the spine just appear without any cause at all.



degenerative back disease has nothing to do with a one-time episode of 'over-exerting' his back muscles, which is what he is describing.

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  white said:
well i went to the docs and they said i pulled the left side of my back pretty good and its stiff w/ some muscle spasms here and there. they prescribed a muscle relaxer and also a pain reliever/inflammatory reducer as well. they also assisted me in calling a physical therapist so that they can get a better look at my back as well. soonest appt. is next wed. so hopefully by stretching and continuing to be active, my back will loosen up and be good by then. thanks for all the comments





please update this thread in 10 days, when all the pain is completely gone.

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  kirks5oh said:
degenerative back disease has nothing to do with a one-time episode of 'over-exerting' his back muscles, which is what he is describing.

Since when is pain a good indicator of problem? Tell that to a person with breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or any of the other disease processes that have pain as the very last symptom.


One time episode add up over the years. How do you think you end up with people you have in the OR. I would venture to say that they had a few "one time incidents" prior to you seeing them.

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