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Buckeye Lake

Venture Guy

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Rode through buckeye lake region today house shopping. Does anyone live on the lake from CR? Wanted to get some info on some houses out there or good deals im not seeing online.




Parents got a house out on the water. If you are looking for something on the water, you best bet is to buy something that can be fixed up unless you got 200k+ to spend. Also they are running city sewer everywhere out there now so expect prices to just get more expensive.

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Parents got a house out on the water. If you are looking for something on the water, you best bet is to buy something that can be fixed up unless you got 200k+ to spend. Also they are running city sewer everywhere out there now so expect prices to just get more expensive.



Yea..thats what i was looking for. Something that needs a little fixing up. Every lake is nasty in ohio. Most if not all i think are man made and are fed by run off from everywhere. I am looking to flip in a few years after the real estate biz gets another jump start. I have always liked the area and my dad has some very good family friends that have lived around there for 20+ years.

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Most large lakes in Ohio were feeders for the canal system fuckwat.


And Buckeye Ocean (Lake) is was one of these. I grew up in Licking County and everyone knew Buckeye Ocean is pretty nasty. All I can remember is when like half the fish just up and died one summer. State did nothing but keep the dam clean. The rest just rotted in the sun.

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I have a cousin that lives off SR 79 on left as you're heading towards the park from I-70. That area is nasty, try to avoid it. The houses are extremely close together and there is a lot of partying and noise. Also, the well water they have was very unsafe and they had to invest in a ultraviolet light filtering system which was expensive. I guess it might be a good fixer up neighborhood but I wouldn't expect to get much return from an investment in the area where she lives. Just my .02
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And Buckeye Ocean (Lake) is was one of these. I grew up in Licking County and everyone knew Buckeye Ocean is pretty nasty. All I can remember is when like half the fish just up and died one summer. State did nothing but keep the dam clean. The rest just rotted in the sun.


The reason that it gets so nasty is because it's only about 14ft deep at it's deepest point. That also contributes to the fish dying off. I can remember at least 4 different summers that the fish death was so bad all you seen floating was dead fish. The smell was horrific...

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The reason that it gets so nasty is because it's only about 14ft deep at it's deepest point. That also contributes to the fish dying off. I can remember at least 4 different summers that the fish death was so bad all you seen floating was dead fish. The smell was horrific...

Apple Valley lake is about 65 ft at its deepest part, most areas are about 20ft.

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yea..i realize the water problem..not a big deal since bottled is so cheap and the filters they have out now....im going to steal a house on the north bank on the lake for very cheap, its kinda hard not to go for it since the return later down the road will probably be very good.



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