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Sound bogus or Legit ?


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I heard this on the news and wanted to look it up cuz it is close to me and Whitey... Now that I read the whole story it sounds kinda bogus. I mean, who keeps 12k cash in their house? :wtf:

What do you ass goblins think ? :dunno:


Edited by BornSinner
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Dude is probably a drug dealer who owed someone some $. What I want to know is, how do you cut a zip tie on a shower tread (whatever that is) they are hard to cut with a razor knife, especially the big ones. If it really went down like he said it did, the robbers knew him and knew he had the cash.

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sounds strangely familiar to a little incident we had here in coshocton. this bar was under some heavy heavy debt and just so happend that it caught on fire and the owner comes running out met at the door by a deputy. the guy said he was jumped by two guys and tied up in the basement while he was closing the bar alone.

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I heard this on the news and wanted to look it up cuz it is close to me and Whity... Now that I read the whole story it sounds kinda bogus. I mean, who keeps 12k cash in their house? :wtf:

What do you ass goblins think ? :dunno:


I thought the same thing when I heard that this morning. I'm sure the police are all over this one.

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Dude is probably a drug dealer who owed someone some $. What I want to know is, how do you cut a zip tie on a shower tread (whatever that is) they are hard to cut with a razor knife, especially the big ones. If it really went down like he said it did, the robbers knew him and knew he had the cash.

+1.....I also would like to know what a shower tread is? sounds like insurance fraud to me, Insurance fraud gets my vote

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I shower tread I believe is the metal track that a sliding shower door moves on. Yes some of them are sharp as hell. I cut myself many times growing up on the one in our shower. Generally the older homes / older showers have the sharper ones and generally aluminum. (At least ours was.) It would easily be possible to use one to cut a strap.

Actually I just looked it up and shower treads are basically anything that is a saftey device for the shower. AKA. Non slip treads, Rail cover treads, etc.

Edited by flounder
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I've had over $12k at my house before, I was saving up to pay cash for some home improvements, busa + turbo kit + single sided swingarm assembly. I think I had about $25 - $30k in cash while I was accumulating the money. I hate begging the bank for a loan. That was a couple years ago and my most liquid asset is my overdraft lol!

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I think the likelyhood of him happening to have $12K lying around, and these 4 guys "randomly" picking his house is one in a million. These people knew him, of him, or about this money, and nailed his ass. Same thing happened to my wife and I when we told our maintenance guy we were leaving for the weekend. We come home Sunday night, WHAMMY, our shit's gone

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I've had over $12k at my house before, I was saving up to pay cash for some home improvements, busa + turbo kit + single sided swingarm assembly. I think I had about $25 - $30k in cash while I was accumulating the money. I hate begging the bank for a loan. That was a couple years ago and my most liquid asset is my overdraft lol!

Im gonna need your address and 3 more friends... :D

But seriously, I was wondering the same thing about the "tread" I figure it was the track of the door as well. Very interesting story... I wonder if they will do a follow up, or try to make the guy prove he had 12k in cash? :dunno:

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a good family friend of mine had something similar happen. they (family) had $10k cash stolen from a safe hidden in the house. it was fucked up because I was questioned by the westerville police and I didn't even know they had a safe! after a few months they finally figured out it was their daughter's ex boyfriend who stole the cash. made sense because they have a HUGE dog who won't let anyone in the house unless rocky knows you VERY well

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Back in tha day - I was a typical techno teen in the early 90s, had my cd players, original gameboy and all 5 games made, sega genesis all shiny and stuff. Neighborhood kid comes over talking about some movie he saw on TV last night while I'm typing up school report. I don't think twice about it. (We had lived in that neighborhood all my life and never had a break in) Left home that eve and came back to all the goodies gone. That was backin the days before profiling - police didn't even question the punk next door even though he'd been to Juvi and had a rap sheet as long as my arm.

Here's the kicker, I would have had to save all the receipts from my stuff that I'd had for like 6 months to prove I owned it and paid for it. Like I'm a liar for calling the cops out and asking them to do what my tax dollars paid for.

That being said - I do still respect most cops.

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Back in tha day - I was a typical techno teen in the early 90s, had my cd players, original gameboy and all 5 games made, sega genesis all shiny and stuff. Neighborhood kid comes over talking about some movie he saw on TV last night while I'm typing up school report. I don't think twice about it. (We had lived in that neighborhood all my life and never had a break in) Left home that eve and came back to all the goodies gone. That was backin the days before profiling - police didn't even question the punk next door even though he'd been to Juvi and had a rap sheet as long as my arm.

Here's the kicker, I would have had to save all the receipts from my stuff that I'd had for like 6 months to prove I owned it and paid for it. Like I'm a liar for calling the cops out and asking them to do what my tax dollars paid for.

That being said - I do still respect most cops.

I keep records of the serial numbers and recipts for everything then I "mark: my stuff with a blacklight pen so it makes it really easy for the cops to find my stuff if the crooks decide to pawn it..... and I frequently carry my "weapons" around the neighborhood .... keeps the a-holes knowing that I won't screw around with them if they "invade" my house..... plus it makes the neighbors think I'm a loony tune.... keeps them from borrowing my shit....

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my friends and I back in the school days would give a good beating to punks like that. recently a friend of mine was noticing a lot of his xbox games coming up missing, he suspected who was doing it, so one day when the dude was leaving his house, him and some buddies just confronted him, and searched him, they found another xbox game in his coat, so they beat the shit out of him pretty good outside on the front lawn. I think the dude had a few broken ribs when they were done. anyway I doubt he'll ever steal anything from him again, lol

Back in tha day - I was a typical techno teen in the early 90s, had my cd players, original gameboy and all 5 games made, sega genesis all shiny and stuff. Neighborhood kid comes over talking about some movie he saw on TV last night while I'm typing up school report. I don't think twice about it. (We had lived in that neighborhood all my life and never had a break in) Left home that eve and came back to all the goodies gone. That was backin the days before profiling - police didn't even question the punk next door even though he'd been to Juvi and had a rap sheet as long as my arm.

Here's the kicker, I would have had to save all the receipts from my stuff that I'd had for like 6 months to prove I owned it and paid for it. Like I'm a liar for calling the cops out and asking them to do what my tax dollars paid for.

That being said - I do still respect most cops.

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