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Bourne Ultimatum


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Wait for it on dvd.


I was pretty disappointed......kept waiting for it, waiting for it...and it never happened


After watching transformers...I was rather bored with this.

I was looking forward to this movie. Does it really suck that bad or is it just boring and predictable?

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predictable, boring....and nothing ever really happens


15 minute chase scene after 15 minute choppy chase scene for an ending that's pretty dull



After the last installment...where his woman dies. I was looking for a little badass revenge...anywhere, somewhere


'Sniper' style. Without giving away a spoiler, i'll just say i was mighty disappointed

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THis one was better than the second one, not as good as the first one, but still worth going to see. the theater broke out in applause at the end last night at Lennox.


I hate when people clap during the movie and at the end. OMG most annoying thing ever lol.

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I've liked these movies, had high hopes for an American Bond legacy thing. I hope the suck is a matter of opinion. I will say that the plot looked weak from the previews;

Movie one: "leave me alone"

Movie two: "leave me alone"

Movie 3: "OMG I'm totally coming to see you."

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I loved the first two and was waiting anxiously for this one



The 'shaky-cam' is out of control. It's stupid.

The chase scenes and fight scenes...it's like the director is bouncing the camera on his knee.



Non-stop action? Yes. Incredible fight scenes and unbelievable (almost too) chases and stunts? Sure.


But they seemed pointless to me. Maybe I just hated the ending so much....

It seemed far too simple and wasn't satisfying: predictable

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man ive been waiting a freaking week now(i think) to see this movie and i have to see it with my gf and she is taking her sweet ass time to watch the second one. i called every local blockbuster(5 of them) and none of them had it. im gonna be pissed if Ultimatum sucks.Ill throw popcorn at the screen.
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the_benz hit on what i was wanting


The first two, he's running. I wanted him to stop in this one and come after them, for a change.



This fella explains my misgivings rather well, although he doesn't gripe about the horrible camera-play as much as I would: (warning for spoilers)


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I agree with the shaky camera thing sucking, but the apartment fight scene with Desh was fucking awesome. There were some parts where I wondered what was going on, but for the most part I thought it was cool.


However, I also agree that some of the parts were a little extraordinary, like when he jumps an oldass heavy motorcycle over a 6 foot wall by simply launching off a broken piece of curb...booooo.


Still, I give it 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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