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Racing penalties


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We had a volunteer firefighter on here a few years ago who'd never had a moving violation in his life or criminal record get a street racing ticket while driving a MR2, he was in his mid-20s.


They handed him a six month license suspension, six points, hefty fine, and high-risk insurance filing for some-odd years.


Yeah, that sucked. And it was 1 year license suspension, 30-day jail sentence suspended by 1-year probation, SR22 for 5 years, $1000 fine, 6 points. Oh yeah, and that was WITH a lawyer. I had absolutely NOTHING on my record. Not even a speeding ticket. I was 22 at the time.






PS... I won the race. ;-)

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my buddys brother had a 95 mustang gt 5 speed at the time exited a parking lot when the road was a wet..just stopped raing..and went side ways... becasue tires in rear where shit and a little to much gas with 4.10's=spinning anyway..went too 2nd gave it a little more gas and started spinning again 3rd hit it and still spinning a lil (his falut there BUT i think what he got for it was a little buck if you ask me......anyway..for this he got...6 points...licence tooken away till he was 18...(17 at the time) and i think a $1,000 or $1,500 dollar fine...officer cook in Hilliard if anyone knows him.....and this was with a lawyer.... he plead quality or reckless oops...which was a way better turn then what they wanted to fine him with...no licence till 21 a HUGE fine...



i would say plea guilty to chirping the tires in second as he gave it a little to much gas and say that i think a 2pt wreckless opps is what you think you should get...talk to your lawyer first but thats what he got....a lesser sentence..oh and they sited him for bald tires...it wasnt his day..

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Yeah, that sucked. And it was 1 year license suspension, 30-day jail sentence suspended by 1-year probation, SR22 for 5 years, $1000 fine, 6 points. Oh yeah, and that was WITH a lawyer. I had absolutely NOTHING on my record. Not even a speeding ticket. I was 22 at the time.






PS... I won the race. ;-)


looking back did that make it worth it? take it to the track...no penalties there!

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"Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile; winning's winning."



"I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I'm free."

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Lawyer up, a buddy of mine got caught for 'street racing' in his beat to hell '91 GMC jimmy that could do like 80mph tops, because he was speeding and someone else was speeding and the cop saw them both running right next to each other. He got his license revoked for 30 days, suspended for 180, huge fine, etc etc. They don't mess around with that charge, it sucks bad.
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get a lawyer fight it...


i hhad ten points.. just recently like a month ago got a drag racing and reckless op and left of center and exhaust ticket... actually jsut got back from third day of court today.


.....all dropped to a 250 fine and 1 point speeding ticket and a 100 dollar driving class i took this passed friday.



and i was straight up busted.. some d bag in a red teggy was next to me running his mouth.. and i roasted first.. hit second went left of center... and rolled passed the cop at 68 in a 35...

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Guest 99BlackPonyGT

call Adam Nemann


614 221 9790

i got pulled over and my ticket said "drag racing" they wanted to take license for 1yr... he handled my case for $500 and got me down to 50 in a 35 speeding ticket...it was amazing... the cop followed us for 3 lights at 2am on 40... he watched us race for enough time that when they pulled us over *still racing* there was 4 cars... i ended up with 2pts on my license and 30hr community service with no fines or court costs

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  • 1 month later...
The system is crooked in many ways, but if you have a good lawyer it's all good :D


On his U10 (I think that's what it's called), he said we were doing 80+ which was impossible as from one light to the next was about 1/8 mile. I know I didn't go over the speed limit. Also, it was also documented that we ran another motorist off the road, which is also false since there was no one around us. The only person that was around us was the motorist that eventually stopped behind us as we were pulled over at the next light.


There was something else too that wasn't entirely true, but I forget what it was. I'm glad it's over.

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did you at least win the race? lol


Probably not. I don't remember much about the night. I was a little nervous to remember what all happened now. Like I said, it was a 0 - 45mph race at most. My speedometer probably read well over 45 as I didn't have traction up until mid 3rd gear then I saw the lights and just went right to 5th.


This is why I don't waste money on a track until I get some drag radials. I'd probably pull a 105 - 110mph in 16 seconds.

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