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problem with home wireless network ..keeps disconnecting need help


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I had to reload windows xp and ever since I have had problems with connecting to the internet. I have a wow cable internet and a Linksys router with WEP enabled. It keeps losing connection all the time. Also, I have entered the WEP password in the wireless network connection propereties but after it loses connection I have to re enter it. So it is not saving the password. Before I had to reload windows everything was fine.. Any suggestions? CJ
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Had this problem awhile back. Mine use to disconnect everytime I was dling something, I disconnected it and hooked the wire out of the modem straight to the laptop and it works fine, so I would say the router is bad. So try to see if it works bypassing the router and if it does then I would say it is a bad router.
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Is your wireless card on your computer either....?


1) USB connected (shoot yourself)

2) PCI Card (expansion card on the motherboard)

3) Built into the motherboard already (came from the factory that way)

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It worked, then you changed something, now it doesn't work. The thing you changed was the client, not the WAP.


Since windows is forcing you to re-enter the WEP key it is the supplicant that is failing. Your best bet is to get the latest driver for your wireless NIC.


I am a wireless networking instructor so take my advice with a grain of salt but I would bet it is your NIC driver.

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It is a old wireless card..a Cisco. I dont think it is supported anymore..arrgh...i dont think I had a driver loaded last time either. Something is messed up with the computer every couple of months I have to reload Windows. The motherboard shuts off periodically and then everyhting becomes corrupted. Any idea how find a driver for it? CJ
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Cisco's webpage may have a legacy driver. Otherwise you need to hit up google and do some searching. Make sure you have the model number when you are searching.


If the computer turns off on its own then you probably have a power supply going bad. It is a semi easy fix, just buy a new one of the same or greater wattage, remove screws and replace. I have had 2 different computers do this before. It just happens.


If that doesn't work then it could be your RAM or motherboard. You might as well build or buy a new computer if your motherboard is bad. You could try removing 1 piece of RAM and see if that works (that is if it is possible. some ram requires 2 identical pieces to be installed to work). I had a computer that a stick of RAM started dying. I removed it and the PC had no problem. I bought new chip and it worked fine.

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