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Holy Fucking Drama

El Karacho1647545492

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Seriously, there have been more threats and subsequent bans in the past week or so than I've ever seen. Granted, the mods are cracking down on rule violations a lot more strictly (I actually like it...equal enforcement is doin well), but it seems like the tension is a lot higher and everyone's gettin a bit violent.




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double posting I OWN ALL OF YOU!


seriously dont talk, let the cars do the talking when they are lined up.


I love that IDEA. However some people have more to say out of there mouth than what there car can produce in buslengths on the street to there opponent.

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There aren't very many rules to follow here, IMO. People just need to realize that they can't come here, shit in for sale ads, threaten people, or mouth off to a Mod or Admin without any negative fallout.


SCREW YOU!!!! :)



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