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tornado just missed me yesterday


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I've been pretty close to a couple. I can't get enough as they're an amazing watch. I stood in the front of my house my jr yr in hs and watched one come across a field towards me. I was rooted to the spot slackjawed; not from fear just amazement and awe. My stepdad grabbed me and screamed to break me out of it and we ran like hell out back and down into a creekbed. It ended up jumping and then leaving. Fuckin amazing.
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that's freaking nuts! I was outside yesterday with Carter playing on the swingset when the storm rolled in. I thought it looked erie.


I liked the black and white house pic in the 2nd slide show. I was looking for legs under the house. (looked like the house out of the wizard of oz) Glad you are ok.

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Glad to hear you are ok. I had that happen to me one time when I was in High School. I was driving from Newark to Utica just a tornado was in some fields outside of St. Louisville. As soon as I noticed it I floored my Chevette and we speed away, slowly. LOL
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