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Cranky neighbors


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:\ My dogs got loose because the little boy who cuts our grass left our fence open. We did not notice when they were first let out but we did as soon as we heard a bark. Well our dogs had ran out of the fence and went over to meet the neighbors dogs. My dogs are in no way agressive period. You can ask obgyn or any other on here that hangs out at my place. They are social they are used to be ing socilized with other dogs. But she does not have social dogs they walk in front of her they dominate her. They are little but I just listned to her bitch at me for 5-10 minutes because of a pure accidnet. Its happened 3 times since I moved in.


I've seen other dogs get loose also. no one panics. But big joe scares people. So she told me that dog at large laws and she would have me put in jail. I started to explain to her the maxium fine for at large. I relized this woman was upset because she feared for her dog's safety.



sorry I needed to rant because this shit makes me mad. I talked to her kindly but I hate being told I'm going to jail I hate dealing with drama.

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That's pretty normal. My neighbors consider my Laser and only my Laser(nobody else' car of course) an eye sore and harass me about it on every rare occasion I don't park it in the garage and they attempt to get it towed!! That's old people for you.
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you could be like my neighbors and have only mowed your yard TWICE this summer until the other neighbor mowed there front yard b/c it looks like total TRASH!! they are mexicans and ever friday saturday there about about 15 of them over. which, hey i dont mind that, but i do mind at 4 in the morning going out in your 1986 buick with a v-6 and dual exhaust and do one wheel burn outs and about hit a guy goin to work. and i dont leave in a trashy neighborhood by no means. i live in canal winchester, not the hilltop.
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Wow sounds like my neighborhood, always crabbing at the younger folks. My neighborhood is dominated mostly by retired folk and it can be difficult at times to keep with their standards. Hell they have nothing better to do than to maintain their house.
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When I go outside my foreign neighbors lock their doors and run inside because I'm black. I am the only one in the neighborhood that they do that with. Yesterday I was out at 12 am putting my tire on my car. My neighbor actually came out and put his car in the garage. Then he watched me through his window until I finished changing my tire. The funny part is that he has done it like 20 times. I have over $100k worth of cars in my driveway and he's putting his minivan in his garage so that I wont steal it????? If I really wanted to steal it I could just put the car in nuetral and watch it roll back into my drive way :D


Thorne my neighbor is a hilliard police officer with a 200lbs bull mastiff. It tried to take another neighbors arm off and nothing happened. My dogs bit a few neighbor kids (drew blood the last time before we got rid of him) and their parents laughed about it. You need a dog friendly neighborhood like mine. Getting out of a fence is nothing around here, we are used to it.

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move to the country... less aggravation with neighbors!


right. i live out from town like 10miles and i have a few neighbors that try to rule the area. theres at least 7 acres for each house and i have 4 cars. my one neighbor came over at 3am drunk and wavying a gun saying hed shoot my cars if i didnt get them out of his sight. other neighbor likes to call the sheriff if i start my honda after 9pm, or have a stereo up tuning it, or too many cars over... list goes on and on. mind this her house as at least 2000ft from mine. she even called on my friend bc his gf and he rode their motorcycles over (told him there was a motorcycle gang meeting).


even tells us when to mow our grass, trim brushes, or cant let my dog on electric fence bc she got out once (got the cops to make us keep her inside bc shes a dangerous animal bc she got barked at). btw her dog doesnt have a fence and free roams.


so now we have STFU spelled out in flowers on a hill facing her house :)


only good neighbors are ones like 6miles away, lol

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spring loaded hinges for the gate work great. I have them on all three of our gates. never had the dogs get loose from the yard.

For metal ones? Chain link? Please give me some more info I'm buying this right away. I try my best to be a resposnible dog owner since I know I have a LARGE "AGRESSIVE LOOKING" dog. But my dogs not agressive but if someone is affraid of large dogs its not going to change anything with my words.



I'm moving to the country next. not to far just to the edge of were I can get Road Runner.

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When I go outside my foreign neighbors lock their doors and run inside because I'm black. I am the only one in the neighborhood that they do that with. Yesterday I was out at 12 am putting my tire on my car. My neighbor actually came out and put his car in the garage. Then he watched me through his window until I finished changing my tire. The funny part is that he has done it like 20 times. I have over $100k worth of cars in my driveway and he's putting his minivan in his garage so that I wont steal it????? If I really wanted to steal it I could just put the car in nuetral and watch it roll back into my drive way :D


Thorne my neighbor is a hilliard police officer with a 200lbs bull mastiff. It tried to take another neighbors arm off and nothing happened. My dogs bit a few neighbor kids (drew blood the last time before we got rid of him) and their parents laughed about it. You need a dog friendly neighborhood like mine. Getting out of a fence is nothing around here, we are used to it.


We have it happen here to. Just last night one of the neighborhood watch group poeple came by because there was a boxer our they thought was mine because joe looks kinda like a boxer. But it was not. This lady has 2 dogs that are out of control. they are little yelpy dogs that are aggressive at every dog that walks past. whats funny is they could have bit my dogs and they would have done nothing. You get DWB and LWB tickets. Driving while black and living while black. Thats fucked up they would put there minivan away. I would make it a point to go outside every night at 12am.



This has 0 to do with dogs in the neighborhood. I am pretty sure of this I think its a personal fear of joe. The downside is they own a nice looking gto.





Yup looks mean ....



He must eat little dogs to.



People who are tards about dogs think he's a pitbull. It pisses me off when people hate a dog for no reason other then look. Ohhh well /RANT

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It's amazing what having kids made me consider. Started with putting the same on the door to my basement. Door handle protectors are good but any smart kid will figure them out. At least now it's a little harder for my youngest to twist and pull...she doesn't have the strength. Also helps with my 4yr old who forgets to shut doors.....and gates :)


Thats a really good idea. Never thought of that.
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Wood fence. Had the fence guys install them...but I'm sure the varioud Home Depot/Lowes of the world would have them. Check with TSC also.


For metal ones? Chain link? Please give me some more info I'm buying this right away. I try my best to be a resposnible dog owner since I know I have a LARGE "AGRESSIVE LOOKING" dog. But my dogs not agressive but if someone is affraid of large dogs its not going to change anything with my words.



I'm moving to the country next. not to far just to the edge of were I can get Road Runner.

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Damn I've got a chain link fence. I really had hoped to live here for 3 more years I should have all debt poaid off and be able to buy a house. This incident has taught me 1 thing. I hate people more then I could have ever imagined. I did not like getting yelled at on my porche for that long. But i never raised my voice as I would have said things that would have got my in trouble. I just kept saying I'm sorry there is nothing more that i can say besides sorry.
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Fuck that old bitch and do a running punt of her little dogs over the house. (Actually, it's not the dogs fault. Punt that old bitch. :D ) This gets my ire up. So many people walk around with their piece of shit dogs becuz they're piece of shit owners and catch no flak becuase it's not a "bully breed". Many may not realize this, but the breed of dog with the most attacks on humans is a f'n Cocker Spaniel. Obviously, I'm used to this ridiculous breed abuse due to the dog I have as my avatar and have experienced some of the most ridiculous, biased, and unprovoked responses from ignorant, judmental people. Let me tell you, I've let loose on some people before. The fact that it's not even a pitbull doesn't matter to anyone. It 'looks' like one, therefore it's evil.
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We have a garden/yard Nazi living in our neighborhood. (across the street and one house over) She makes me nuts prancing around the neighborhood spraying weed killer on other peoples' lawns. She even cuts her next door neighbors lawn.


When we moved in to our house last year we did alot of work to the inside of the house and to the outside. The house was a wreck and the yard had not been kept in several years so we had our work cut out for us. It looks allot better now but there is still work to be done. She has called the city of Reynoldsburg on us twice since we moved in for dumb shit. We took care of issues, but she is still a pest. She drives around the neighborhood in her car and files complaints to the city about anything she doesn't like. (Obviously she has no life)


Dave and I have started buying lawn decorations and putting them around the yard just to piss her off. We had three garden gnomes in the front garden, now two b/c some kids stole one. I pick up any ugly lawn decoration I can find. I hate them a lot, but I know she hates them even more.


I have had a few other evil ideas such as sprinkling dandelion seeds on her lawn, or putting very concentrated splotches of fertilizer on her grass..( you have to dig it up to fix it) She has chilled a little with calling on us this year so I have left her alone.




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