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Cr Soccer Team Tryout!!!


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Forget it, its obvious that everyone knows how to win games and noone is open to being coached. If someon else wants to do it, ill play, but theres no way ill try to coach a team that isnt open to unfamiliar stratagies.
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I will be out of town, anyways I can meet up with you next week sometime to try this? I am really interested in playing.


Yes. If you want to make a trip to my store on a Tue or Wed next week, ill have the cones with me and you can do it there. I wont announce names untill i get all the information from allstar anyway.


Bucky, the only try out you have is to how well you can match this...




And you need the cow bell :D

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WTF does speed show you. Nothing, I know tons and tons of great players that were prolly the slowest on the team. Its all about ball control, being able to see the field/players and anticipating where the ball will be. A 200m sprint will show nothing. Any retard can run fast..
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If all you are goin to do is put a bunch of fast guys on the team, count me out. All you are gonna do is look like a bunch of chickens with your heads cut off runnin around. You would be better having a juggling contest, least that shows that you have some touch with the ball or something.
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WTF does speed show you. Nothing, I know tons and tons of great players that were prolly the slowest on the team. Its all about ball control, being able to see the field/players and anticipating where the ball will be. A 200m sprint will show nothing. Any retard can run fast..


+1 well said.


i'm fast as hell, but i can't juggle the ball like Pelee or anything. i'm a defensive guy, i make good passes and steal balls.

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+1 well said.


i'm fast as hell, but i can't juggle the ball like Pelee or anything. i'm a defensive guy, i make good passes and steal balls.


+2...could never juggle at all, but could pass, shoot, and steal like none other.


Also, we're just running in the lot?

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Guest FooFooMaru



I want to play but this doesn't seem like it's going to work properly. That or it'll just be the few that know eachother so no room for unknown people.


g'luck :) indoor is soo flippin' fun though. aaaaaaweeeesome!

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Was fast, now not so. What I do bring to the game is (using either foot equally) ball handling skills, accurate passing, field vision, and 26 years of studying the game.


If you want speedsters without skills, I wouldn't want to play on the team anyhow.


Nick, If you want I'll stop over at the "Hut" with a ball and school your ass around the parking lot. Game?

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Everybody but nick is correct. I played for my highschool, I was ok wasn't fast and didn't have the best touch. However being able to see the field and see the game itself is what made me better than average. But the best players are always the ones with the best "vision" and touch.


I would love to play, however I have gained 135 lbs since high school. That is no good.



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the idea isnt a dead sprint in a strait line, it tests agility and ability to change direction as well as showing you can keep your balance and control your breathing well making erratic changes of movement.


This is a basic qualifier that all the AAA teams did down in Cincinnati. For the Select teams they simply ran the 40M dash.. the 200M suicide is a test and not near as easy or pointless as it seems.


Also, if your going to play both ways, changing up on the fly is not easy. That perticular stratagy requires a team of the highest level of speed, agility, and conditioning. Sorry boys, but thats how you win.


Its no surprise that no one agrees, everyone who has played has played for different people with different styles and stratagies. This is how I was taught to win... and i stick with what works.


If noone wants to play, forget it then. I was just trying to get something going other than the regular meets.

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Was fast, now not so. What I do bring to the game is (using either foot equally) ball handling skills, accurate passing, field vision, and 26 years of studying the game.


If you want speedsters without skills, I wouldn't want to play on the team anyhow.


Nick, If you want I'll stop over at the "Hut" with a ball and school your ass around the parking lot. Game?



I was a full back. My job was simple.. on defence, force a mistake, and put the ball 6 feet in front of the winger tearing ass down the wall. On offence, my job was to dump it in, recover rebounds, and take direct kicks. Im no Pele, never was, best trick i ever had in my bag was a siccors, but i was highly conditioned, had a cannon for a right leg, and could put the ball anywhere, including in the net from a corner kick.


Bottom line is, you dont have to be able to fake anyone out of thier shoes in indoor. You use the walls, bounce a ball off a players leg into the side net to get a direct kick, and use oddball stratagies that other coaches dont know how to defend against. Thats how you win.

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