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Fucking Asshole!


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So i was driving home just now when some fucking tool in a beat up red Fox comes driving up to me trying to get me to race... on a wet road, on Georgeville road. His passenger, an obnoxious fucker, keeps aging me on, and i finally told him to leave me the fuck alone and started to roll up my window. Just then, the MOTERH FUCKER FLIPS A CIGERETTE INTO MY CAR! I saw it out of corner of my eye and swated at it, hits my roof fabric, then i swatted again and it hits my a-piller also fabric, then finaly got it out of the window. the dude pulls a u-y and takes off onto 270 towards 71. I started to chase him down untill i hit triple digits and backed off because i wasnt going to total my car trying to chase tat fucker. The dickhead burned a hole in the roof fabric and a streak across the a piller!


I swear to god if youre on here, or not, if i ever cross paths with him... ill be on the news the next day.


:mad: x FOREVER!

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Damn man. Should have made some phone calls. We could have tracked him down and well you know...


If ida caught his plate ida called it in to the 5-0. But he just had to big of a jump on me and there was no way i was going to try to run him down with standing water still on the freeway.

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1800grabdui is your friend. that tells you something fix your tune and make your faster :)


Oh i couldve run him down, but its just too dangerous. Id rather run into him a couple years down the road and just beat the fuck out of him for what he would think, no reason.

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Damn dud I don't know you, but I live over there and if I would have seen that I would have taken care of him for you...That fuckin sucks! You did the right thing though. I wouldn't have risked my car just to chase down some d-bags.
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I would scan the interenet looking for the douchebags red fox. Any particular details you can remember about the car to help us spot it? Give all particulars.


I recently put my first cig burn in my car and it was my pristine headliner of all things. I'm looking for someone to blame since I can't blame myself. This seems sent by fate. :D

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80s Fox


rust on right fender around wheel well

pony wheels, beat to shit

grey interior i think

rear bumber was missing paint, showed that yellow color of the platic

sounded like ass, probably exhaust leak

dent in the passenger door, pretty good size, roughly 18in


The guy was a scrwany fucker... maybe 5'10-5'11, 150-170lbs, short brown hair, sparse facial hair... tattoo on right arm/wrist, lip stud... was racialy confused... e thought he ws 50Cent or somthing.


I dont remember much more than that... it was night time, i has just finished a 13hr day, and was so pissed i wasnt even thinking about remmbering things.

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80s Fox


rust on right fender around wheel well

pony wheels, beat to shit

grey interior i think

rear bumber was missing paint, showed that yellow color of the platic

sounded like ass, probably exhaust leak

dent in the passenger door, pretty good size, roughly 18in


The guy was a scrwany fucker... maybe 5'10-5'11, 150-170lbs, short brown hair, sparse facial hair... tattoo on right arm/wrist, lip stud... was racialy confused... e thought he ws 50Cent or somthing.


I dont remember much more than that... it was night time, i has just finished a 13hr day, and was so pissed i wasnt even thinking about remmbering things.




You noticed all that, but didnt get the tag?? (hehe j/k) Sorry to hear that! Kick his a**

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I think i know the car your talking about. I work over on broad and may have seen it a few times. A car alot like the one you described tried to race me a few weeks back and it was a joke. he just flew by afterwards when i was turning onto fisher and didnt even look over at me
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