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Setting us up to go to Iran?


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"It's almost too ridiculous to believe, but it's shockingly real. We've already compiled over 4 hours of FOX footage... the same images, sound effects, yelling and threatening that led the U.S. to invade Iraq is happening right now to sell a war with Iran. They are saying the exact same things!!"

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Iran wil be our next foe followed by either N. Korea or Russia. Russia and the United States are fighting over the north pole. Apparently there happens to be oil there, undiscovered until the damn ice caps started melting. Russia put a flag in the ice trying to claim it as thier own, while the US put coast gaurd up there to claim it as ours. BTW the war in Iraq will never officially be over. It will take too long to try and pull all our troops out of there and by the time we have most of them out, we are vulnerable for a takeover due to the lack of soldiers remaining there. We have dug ourself into a whole that we will litterally never get out of.
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Iran wil be our next foe followed by either N. Korea or Russia. Russia and the United States are fighting over the north pole. Apparently there happens to be oil there, undiscovered until the damn ice caps started melting. Russia put a flag in the ice trying to claim it as thier own, while the US put coast gaurd up there to claim it as ours. BTW the war in Iraq will never officially be over. It will take too long to try and pull all our troops out of there and by the time we have most of them out, we are vulnerable for a takeover due to the lack of soldiers remaining there. We have dug ourself into a whole that we will litterally never get out of.




1. We always knew there was oil in the arctic, but with Russia's claim over the Natural Gas market (world's #1 supplier) they are learning that the key to beinga global superpower isn't your economy, not the extreme size of your military, but how much fuel you can control. (btw, they didnt claim the flag ON the North Pole, but under a glacier via submarine)

2. We will get out and it will happen in the next few years. The country is sick of this war and has been for a long time. In order to change things they will elect a president who is AT THE VERY LEAST going to set forth some sort of timetable for extracting the troops. If not just simply pulling them out as is.


Hell even Bush has been making comments/comparison's about Iraq and Vietnam. Had he done so 2-3 years ago he would've been lambasted for it. Now we all just sit here like, 'yeah we know'. The newest CIA report is suggesting sectarian violence will escalate into a 'Tet like offensive' (the Tet offensive being the driving force behind getting the US out of Vietnam). It will end soon.

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Yeah i meant to put they put the flag under the ice via submarine. My bad. As for the part about getting the troops out, alot of sources are saying it'll never happen. Only time will tell. I am preparing myself on heading to iraq before my tenure in the air force is over with.
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Uh josh, it was via submarine. I dont know, we may be out in the next 2-3 years from iraq but the area will never be the same, its been destabilized and i dont see it turning around. we will cut our losses and pull the troops. and it may be soon. but i do see us heading down a bad road regarding iran, just as noted before, all the propaganda bullshit that was spread about iraq about how they hated us, how saddam was an immenent threat, wmd and all that is now making the rounds regarding iran. hell cnn had nothing but interviews with clerics and shit last night on why they hate the west, why they have no issues being martyrs for the cause etc etc, for over 6 hrs.


I dont see us coming to any kind of conflict with russia. the stakes are just to high for a major war with really shitty consequences. we will continue this uneasy relationship we have with them, and we'll end up spliting up whatever recources are to be had.


My 2 cents on all this

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