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I killed an opossum (no 56k)


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Let me say again, and for one last time...


I have no problem with him killing it, but how many fucking times did you shoot it with the blow gun before you realized "hey this isn't working". Why you would even think a blow gun would kill it is beyond me.


Then you stopped and took pictures, and were having fun with it. Don't give me any bullshit on how you were "protecting yourself".


Hit the damn thing in the head with a 2x4, you would crush it's skill pretty easily.


Regardless, I still think it was ignorant how you went about it. That's my opinion, you don't have to agree. Come see me in person if you want to discuss it more.

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  Hwilli said:
Let me say again, and for one last time...


I have no problem with him killing it, but how many fucking times did you shoot it with the blow gun before you realized "hey this isn't working". Why you would even think a blow gun would kill it is beyond me.


Then you stopped and took pictures, and were having fun with it. Don't give me any bullshit on how you were "protecting yourself".


Hit the damn thing in the head with a 2x4, you would crush it's skill pretty easily.


Regardless, I still think it was ignorant how you went about it. That's my opinion, you don't have to agree. Come see me in person if you want to discuss it more.


x2 man.. you couldn't have said it any better

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Yeah, gotta agree with the two above. It looks like there shoulda been a mini matador running around the opposum stabbing it instead of killing it. Maybe if you would've tainted the darts with some sort of sleep aid? Even a funnel and a little bit o' liquor. That woulda sent it home drunk promising to never go out to that "club" again. Wait, that never works for me. 'X' that one. lol

Good excuse to use the blowgun, I guess, but there could've been less tortuous ways to kill him. I believe in court that's considered 'excessive force'.


And Rick, again, I must question your statement. Aren't you supposed to love all living things? I do. What's that? No, I don't need religion to love and respect. Shocking, isnt' it? ;)

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Guest evobound

Pellet gun doesn't work.. My dad had left a trap out in the yard while he was on vacation, and I found an opossum in it when I stopped by to take care of the house.


I didn't wanna just leave it in there, so, I shot it with a pellet gun. After the first five shots, it was pretty fucked up, but didn't die. I shot it about twenty-five more times, in desperation.


Finally, I'm like begging this thing to die. I didn't wanna take it outta the cage, because it was scared, bleeding, and in defense mode. I didn't have anything to whack it with, and by this point I'm feelin' pretty stuck in the situation.


I shot it directly in the eye a few times, hoping for the kill - didn't die, just made horrible noises and bled profusely.


So I filled up a wheelbarrow with water, figured I hafta kill this thing now, the damage is done, and it's the only way I could think of.


Filled it up, dropped the cage in.




Not enough water. Had to add more.


I don't understand how people can go out and hunt shit. I felt more guilty and awful watching that rusty ass wheelbarrow fill up with red water than any other time in my life.


So if you're going to kill something for no particular reason, .. Don't.

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Now that's messed up! I know what you mean though....I shot one through a sliding screen door at like 2" from a rifle pumped up to the max with a .22 cal. lead pellet. Sounded like a huge "crack" as it flattened and bounced off his head, but he didn't die. Just walked away with a huge headache. :(


  evobound said:
Pellet gun doesn't work.. My dad had left a trap out in the yard while he was on vacation, and I found an opossum in it when I stopped by to take care of the house.


I didn't wanna just leave it in there, so, I shot it with a pellet gun. After the first five shots, it was pretty fucked up, but didn't die. I shot it about twenty-five more times, in desperation.


Finally, I'm like begging this thing to die. I didn't wanna take it outta the cage, because it was scared, bleeding, and in defense mode. I didn't have anything to whack it with, and by this point I'm feelin' pretty stuck in the situation.


I shot it directly in the eye a few times, hoping for the kill - didn't die, just made horrible noises and bled profusely.


So I filled up a wheelbarrow with water, figured I hafta kill this thing now, the damage is done, and it's the only way I could think of.


Filled it up, dropped the cage in.




Not enough water. Had to add more.


I don't understand how people can go out and hunt shit. I felt more guilty and awful watching that rusty ass wheelbarrow fill up with red water than any other time in my life.


So if you're going to kill something for no particular reason, .. Don't.

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I tried the same thing a few years back. Raccoon would come in our garage at night, eat all the cat food, and leave. It started bringing it's babies with it. Got in a fight with one of our cats and I said screw it. Waited a few hours w/ my 6foot blow gun to use some hunting darts. After a couple darts through it's skull I realized it wasn't going to work. Had to use the pellet gun and a couple to the head through the eye finished it off. The few darts I did use paralyzed it, pretty gross all in all.


After that we trapped 'em and let 'em loose 15+ miles away. It seemed to work. Either way, you people need to lighten up.

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