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Acoustic Bar / Friday Nights?


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thanks scion girl- will check it out- I've never been but from what I have heard it seems too trendy for me though, more interested in music/seating/parking/cold draft beer than hooking up anymore as I am married.


never heard of park street does it have acoustic?


I guess the dream place I am thinking of is away from downtown in a suburb, nice parking, not too crowded, nice cold domestic draft beer. Youngest people are late twentys or early 30s. Basically a place a single 18-22 year old would hate.

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yes park street has acoustic pretty much every night. sometimes they have some electric, but its not like death metal or anything. they have a nice mix of jazz, reggae, folk, rock, etc. they never have anything too heavy though.


although it IS downtown, and it gets pretty packed on the weekends, parking is a bitch etc.

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