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Nitrous Turd Part 3


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I'd rather pass out drunk then be in your constant mental state....



You sad peice of shit. if all you have is picking on my spelling and grammer error's. (coming from you of all people) You are just plain sad. think about it, is your car even going to be done before mine?


And if all you have is wise cracks like this,m,aybe your the one with the mental issues!

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Rob, ever thought to yourself "why do I almost only post in the e-battle threads and when I do I post about 10-15 times in a thread"? I would say it is because you are an immature woman. See high school girls need drama, the can't function without it. You fit this demographic perfectly. Hell the fact that you argue with a 17 year old for 7 pages is testament enough. See at least Joe shows some wit and class when he posts in these threads. You write terrible and really have a 8th grade mentality in trying to make fun of someone. Just stop, post about something you KNOW like cars, at least you KNOW about cars.


In the end I ask this,



So who do you hope will ask you out to homecoming, and what color dress are you going to wear?

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So who do you hope will ask you out to homecoming, and what color dress are you going to wear?



Ben just asked me but i told him no. Im waiting on miller, hes so cute when he's tougning my balls. And i was thinking of borrowing Joes dress. He has so many to choose from, im not sure which one i want to borrow. :o



In light of that, I do post alot on the car shit on here. Sometimes more then what i should. The real pisser is when people from here have stuff done at the shop, are happy and dont make a post about how there visit with us was!

I know my grammer sucks ass, but i think everyone can say I'm way better then i was when i first started here.

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Are you drunk? You said, "mods on here won't let old threads get dug up for some reason." This was my only reference to using a name... to use mine.


So, WTF is this, "Oh, and everyone knows my name is Ben. Its listed under "First Name"."?


As for, "Uhm, because you locked the last one???????"... yep, I sure did. The same as we would lock any 3 year old thread that was dug back up.


You can name me by name, Ben. It's cool. I guess I don't understand how you can't see my logic in locking a 3 year old thread. Nothing to do with Joe; I've never even met him. Like I said in the PM... start a new thread. Woopty. Yay.


And why all the INB4DALOCKYO's? This is the kitchen.




You must smoke some good shit. Do you think about what you type before you post? You said, "You can name me by name, Ben". I wasn't naming anybody. What's the point in it? In fact, I'd asked Anthony about you closing it before I even posted this to make sure it was okay for me to post another one. He gave me the green light (no pun intended). Old threads which are dug up are now closed thanks to a certain Vette lover who went digging up old threads which were three years old to the day. Yes, I understand that. However, this thread was dug up from the kitchen. You asked why everyone was posting "inb4dalock" or whatever because this was in the kitchen, saying basically threads in the kitchen don't get locked. Well that's really fucking easy: You locked a thread in the kitchen. Rocket science, no. So, in three years I'll be digging this thread up. Then when it gets locked, I'll be posting part 4 of this legacy. Please remove sand from your pussy now, drink a beer, and have a good weekend.

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Nothing to do with Joe; I've never even met him.

Yes you have. When you were selling your GTP, my roomate and I went to your house and he test drove it (but ended up deciding to spend a lot more money on a Vette).


You sad peice of shit. if all you have is picking on my spelling and grammer error's. (coming from you of all people) You are just plain sad. think about it, is your car even going to be done before mine?


And if all you have is wise cracks like this,m,aybe your the one with the mental issues!


"You are a sad piece of shit. If all you have is picking on my spelling and grammar errors (coming from you of all people), then you are just plain sad. Think about it; is your car even going to be done before mine?


And if all you have is wise cracks like this, maybe you’re the one with the mental issues!"


Now isn't that a lot easier to read? :)

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Yes you have. When you were selling your GTP, my roomate and I went to your house and he test drove it (but ended up deciding to spend a lot more money on a Vette).




"You are a sad piece of shit. If all you have is picking on my spelling and grammar errors (coming from you of all people), then you are just plain sad. Think about it; is your car even going to be done before mine?


And if all you have is wise cracks like this, maybe you’re the one with the mental issues!"


Now isn't that a lot easier to read? :)



Um nope..readsthesametome!

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Yes you have. When you were selling your GTP, my roomate and I went to your house and he test drove it (but ended up deciding to spend a lot more money on a Vette).


Damn, you're right. The shame with that day was I fixed the misfire the next morning, and it ran 50% better than when he test drove it. I had it running bettter for like 5 days, then it sold . I only got to feel what those cars should run like for less than a week.

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Ben just asked me but i told him no. Im waiting on miller, hes so cute when he's tougning my balls. And i was thinking of borrowing Joes dress. He has so many to choose from, im not sure which one i want to borrow. :o



In light of that, I do post alot on the car shit on here. Sometimes more then what i should. The real pisser is when people from here have stuff done at the shop, are happy and dont make a post about how there visit with us was!

I know my grammer sucks ass, but i think everyone can say I'm way better then i was when i first started here.



I have nothing to do with this thread, keep my balls off your tongue.



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Guest Removed
Now isn't that a lot easier to read? :)





fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too


>Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.


>i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The >phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde >Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the >olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in

>the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it >whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey >lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas >tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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