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The LINE... has been crossed.


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So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.


SHHHHHH. First of all.. be civil. No need for bad blood.


Secondly, let me elaborate furthur as to why it bothers me. The United States military is the peaches and cream of this country. Its what makes us a Super Power, and not a counrty at civil war. If a hispanic wants to become legal and join up to the Army, FANTASTIC! Im not opposed to that at all... but people should have enough respect for something so sacred to this country's history, as NOT to represent it in another language. Im sure it pissed a lot of people off when those school kids dropped the US flag, and put the Mexican flag abouve it didnt it? Why? Because its a principle... you dont come into another country and disrupt its history in any way shape or form. Whats next... mexican flags on the uniforms? If you fight for the US army, you represent the UNITED STATES and NOWHERE ELSE! You cant represent the United States sometimes. You either have love for the country and let everyone know it, or you pretend and disgrace it when ever you feel homesick.


Thats like having a born and raised German go over to Poland join the military, and have a polish military banner written out in German... how well do you think that would go over... probably not so good. Or a even better... wha if about 20yrs ago a US citizen joined up and have the same thing in Russian... im pretty sure that dude would have a MOAB targeting his front door in about 9 seconds. Oh wait, Im pretty sure Lee Harvely Oswald did, and they charged him with high treason.


Just because one isnt in the military, doenst mean they dont have pride in thier country either. I didnt join because i didnt agree with the actions of the military 5 yrs ago. But you can bet your supra driving ass that when those bastards come rolling up on the beaches of Virgina, Florida, and South Carolina, ill be in the car loaded up with everything i got to do my part in defending the ground i live on.

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SHHHHHH. First of all.. be civil. No need for bad blood.


Secondly, let me elaborate furthur as to why it bothers me. The United States military is the peaches and cream of this country. Its what makes us a Super Power, and not a counrty at civil war. If a hispanic wants to become legal and join up to the Army, FANTASTIC! Im not opposed to that at all... but people should have enough respect for something so sacred to this country's history, as NOT to represent it in another language. Im sure it pissed a lot of people off when those school kids dropped the US flag, and put the Mexican flag abouve it didnt it? Why? Because its a principle... you dont come into another country and disrupt its history in any way shape or form. Whats next... mexican flags on the uniforms? If you fight for the US army, you represent the UNITED STATES and NOWHERE ELSE! You cant represent the United States sometimes. You either have love for the country and let everyone know it, or you pretend and disgrace it when ever you feel homesick.


Thats like having a born and raised German go over to Poland join the military, and have a polish military banner written out in German... how well do you think that would go over... probably not so good. Or a even better... wha if about 20yrs ago a US citizen joined up and have the same thing in Russian... im pretty sure that dude would have a MOAB targeting his front door in about 9 seconds. Oh wait, Im pretty sure Lee Harvely Oswald did, and they charged him with high treason.


Just because one isnt in the military, doenst mean they dont have pride in thier country either. I didnt join because i didnt agree with the actions of the military 5 yrs ago. But you can bet your supra driving ass that when those bastards come rolling up on the beaches of Virgina, Florida, and South Carolina, ill be in the car loaded up with everything i got to do my part in defending the ground i live on.




Oh... You mean like what we're doing in Iraq?

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So, let me get this straight. You're bitching that others have pride in our country? That someone from another country or someone who's simply proud of their heritage/language that they would support our troops and die for this country? Half those born here wouldn't do that. You seem to forget our country was built with a mulitude of cultures. Not just white Europeans.


You people are intolerant, whiny bitches. And Dover, wtf?! Because you can't speak English you don't qualify as a soldier? You're quality is considered subpar? It's not the guy's fault he can't speak English yet. Why don't you try thinking of it this way:


1. Apparently the guy went through whatever hoops that was required to become legal.

2. He came from another country to support and fight for ours.

3. The United States of America hired him as is.

4. How courageous was it for him to come to this country and join an armed force to possibly die for without knowing the language. Have you ever been somewhere is that kind of situation without knowing the language?


I'll tell you what's crossed the line. The intolerance of some of the people on this board. Grow up and expand your mind.

1: Border jumpers have kids here, kids are then legal. Ooohhhh, big hoops. (assumption, just like you made)

2: Or $$ to support his illegal family (again, assumption)

3: Because the US Gov't doesn't make mistakes

4: Flash enough money to someone, and they'll do a lot of things you wouldn't think they would do.


I love how it is not his fault he can't speak English. If I lived in Mexico (I'll pass, thanks), I'd sure as hell learn the language, and I'm terriable at learning foreign languages.

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1: Border jumpers have kids here, kids are then legal. Ooohhhh, big hoops. (assumption, just like you made)

2: Or $$ to support his illegal family (again, assumption)

3: Because the US Gov't doesn't make mistakes

4: Flash enough money to someone, and they'll do a lot of things you wouldn't think they would do.


I love how it is not his fault he can't speak English. If I lived in Mexico (I'll pass, thanks), I'd sure as hell learn the language, and I'm terriable at learning foreign languages.




Apparently, you were terrible at learning your native.... er, sorry, "National" language as well.







But no, really... How do you know that these people aren't trying to learn the language? Do they absolutely refuse all type of english interaction, or what? I've never met an immigrant, legal or otherwise, that wasn't nearly obsessed with improving their english skills, and I've worked with alot of immigrants, since I am a cook. Maybe it's the fact that these people want to avoid conversation with people who judge them so quickly... anybody ever think of that?



Having an open mind hurts no one. Having a closed mind hurts you and those you judge prematurely.

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Apparently, you were terrible at learning your native.... er, sorry, "National" language as well.







But no, really... How do you know that these people aren't trying to learn the language? Do they absolutely refuse all type of english interaction, or what? I've never met an immigrant, legal or otherwise, that wasn't nearly obsessed with improving their english skills, and I've worked with alot of immigrants, since I am a cook. Maybe it's the fact that these people want to avoid conversation with people who judge them so quickly... anybody ever think of that?



Having an open mind hurts no one. Having a closed mind hurts you and those you judge prematurely.


Thank you.


Joe(Nitrousbird), you're exactly right. I did make assumptions. I never claimed them to be fact! I merely pointed out some other ways of thinking. Some positive ones instead of all the negative 'assumptions' that had been aired before I posted. You're missing the ENTIRE point of my post. And I can damn near guarantee that guy knows enough English to get by and will learn more. Hell, he'll have no choice. And if you did make it here and had kids who are now legal, so what?


The original contention in this thread was the sticker. So, let's go with your last assumption for a moment:

Man or couple comes here and has child. This child and his family have enough loyalty and patriotism for the child to join and serve for this country. So what if they want to have it in Spanish? We shouldn't be upset at that, Mexico should! Maybe they want the community they live in (which probably has more spanish speakin and readin people - way easier to learn to speak a lang rather than read and write it, especially English.) to be able to quicly read it. They want those others to know they have pride and that their child is serving a country that helped them escape from the poverty in Mexico or El Salvador, or wherever. If anything, this may help the minds of others in their community to give back in this way, as well. And don't tell me that if you give them enough money, they'll do anything. That's about the most ridiculous reasoning I've heard for someoen in this position to join another country's military. Especially one who's currently at war. I'll quickly break it down for you. Said soldier doesn't have a deep education. He's better off getting a menial job (maybe more than one) that will pay better than the armed forces with no commitment or he is educated, just doesn't speak english well, in which case, he'll still make better money for a private organization and have more time with his family.


Too many people on here are too quick to judge and base their judgements on ill gotten information, assumptions, and bigoted thinking. I don't care how you try to defend it. You can paint a turd whatever color you like, sprinkle it in glitter, etc and it's still a turd; it still stinks.


Nobody on here has had the breadth of experience and wisdom to make such judgemental calls on people. You're negative thinking, hate and/or insufferable intolerance does nothing but harm us all including yourselves. I could sit here all day and tell you all the latinos I know (that weren't born here), of which there's many, that are well educated and do their best to be good Americans. (In case you hadn't heard, America was built on foreigners.) And I can tell you about the few I know who should drown in the river on the way back.


My point is, is that each individual is different. Quit assuming everyone's the same and placing blanketed judgement calls on people. Especially, for something as silly as a language barrier. What?! Just because you can speak English you're automatically better than someone else? That's ridiculous. If it were Canadians south of us pouring in, what would be the gripe then? Or is it all good simply because most of them can speak English?


Now, look what you've all made me do. I've gone off on a rant again. I'm not promising anything, but I feel I've met my rant quota for the month already. I'm off to take my Puerto Rican, Supra driving ass to Taco Bell to order some white Mexican food with names that don't exist. Hold the beans on that 7layer burrito, plz. I'm tired of eating 'em. ;)

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Thank you.


Joe(Nitrousbird), you're exactly right. I did make assumptions. I never claimed them to be fact! I merely pointed out some other ways of thinking. Some positive ones instead of all the negative 'assumptions' that had been aired before I posted. You're missing the ENTIRE point of my post. And I can damn near guarantee that guy knows enough English to get by and will learn more. Hell, he'll have no choice. And if you did make it here and had kids who are now legal, so what?


The original contention in this thread was the sticker. So, let's go with your last assumption for a moment:

Man or couple comes here and has child. This child and his family have enough loyalty and patriotism for the child to join and serve for this country. So what if they want to have it in Spanish? We shouldn't be upset at that, Mexico should! Maybe they want the community they live in (which probably has more spanish speakin and readin people - way easier to learn to speak a lang rather than read and write it, especially English.) to be able to quicly read it. They want those others to know they have pride and that their child is serving a country that helped them escape from the poverty in Mexico or El Salvador, or wherever. If anything, this may help the minds of others in their community to give back in this way, as well. And don't tell me that if you give them enough money, they'll do anything. That's about the most ridiculous reasoning I've heard for someoen in this position to join another country's military. Especially one who's currently at war. I'll quickly break it down for you. Said soldier doesn't have a deep education. He's better off getting a menial job (maybe more than one) that will pay better than the armed forces with no commitment or he is educated, just doesn't speak english well, in which case, he'll still make better money for a private organization and have more time with his family.


Too many people on here are too quick to judge and base their judgements on ill gotten information, assumptions, and bigoted thinking. I don't care how you try to defend it. You can paint a turd whatever color you like, sprinkle it in glitter, etc and it's still a turd; it still stinks.


Nobody on here has had the breadth of experience and wisdom to make such judgemental calls on people. You're negative thinking, hate and/or insufferable intolerance does nothing but harm us all including yourselves. I could sit here all day and tell you all the latinos I know (that weren't born here), of which there's many, that are well educated and do their best to be good Americans. (In case you hadn't heard, America was built on foreigners.) And I can tell you about the few I know who should drown in the river on the way back.


My point is, is that each individual is different. Quit assuming everyone's the same and placing blanketed judgement calls on people. Especially, for something as silly as a language barrier. What?! Just because you can speak English you're automatically better than someone else? That's ridiculous. If it were Canadians south of us pouring in, what would be the gripe then? Or is it all good simply because most of them can speak English?


Now, look what you've all made me do. I've gone off on a rant again. I'm not promising anything, but I feel I've met my rant quota for the month already. I'm off to take my Puerto Rican, Supra driving ass to Taco Bell to order some white Mexican food with names that don't exist. Hold the beans on that 7layer burrito, plz. I'm tired of eating 'em. ;)


Hasnt the historical trend been us jumping ship to the north? :lol: Canada some how made immigration work. I was there for a week... meet a 1000 people... not one was a native Canadian. I liked Canada. I like the monetary system, i like their roadways, i like thier taxes, and i LOVE those Aussie girls ;)

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Thank you.


Just because you can speak English you're automatically better than someone else?


Here in american, pretty much!


I wouldn't dream of going to mexico and forcing anyone to tolerate my language while I acquire a job and make a name for myself. If I can't walk into any establishment and speak the native language, I can't very well expect anyone to take me seriously.


Quite simply, I wouldn't be QUALIFIED to work in that enviroment. No different that having zero diving skills and expected to work as a professional diver, and I'll just learn as a I go a "make the best of it".

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It's one thing for a soldier to speak his/her native tongue, I knew plenty of islanders and what not, but when it comes to the job english is supposed to be spoken. I believe it's AR670-1 that mandates that, but they can speak other languages. I just enjoyed freaking out the Puerto Ricans in my Company since I know a little spanglish. I told them to stop calling me a dirty gringo. But the Army is going overboard on the Equal Opportunity crap.
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I saw a bumper sticker today on a car that I felt made no sense whatsoever.


"My son is in IRAQ, so your son can party at college"


Now last I checked I didnt think we were in IRAQ for our freedom. Now maybe it was more geared towards 9/11 but now a days I dont think it really holds up to what it says.

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I saw a bumper sticker today on a car that I felt made no sense whatsoever.


"My son is in IRAQ, so your son can party at college"


Now last I checked I didnt think we were in IRAQ for our freedom. Now maybe it was more geared towards 9/11 but now a days I dont think it really holds up to what it says.

soldiers joined up thinking that the war would be over in 3 months, like bush said. now how longs it been 7 years? bush is a fucking idiot, but its not like we can just up and leave iraq now.

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soldiers joined up thinking that the war would be over in 3 months, like bush said. now how longs it been 7 years? bush is a fucking idiot, but its not like we can just up and leave iraq now.

Your math is a bit off. March 2003 we crossed in, it's 2007. Bush did the best he could being put in the 9/11 situation. And yes, we're keeping Al-Qaeda at bay over in Iraq, rather than them flooding in bombing/killing innocent women and children. So in a way, it is keeping this country free from them. It was never going to take 3 months, unlike the Gulf War, we actually pushed/crushed Baghdad, and went all the way up north. Taking over a country is a little harder than it looks in the video games and on CNN.

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Guest Scooter
AR 670-1 is the regulation on Uniforms and Insignia... But there IS a regulation somewhere that states that while you are conducting military business, the English language is the only authorized language that you can use. Unless it deals with something like speaking to Iraqis or something along those lines. But for the most part, English is the only language American soldiers are allowed to use while on duty.
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AR 670-1 is the regulation on Uniforms and Insignia... But there IS a regulation somewhere that states that while you are conducting military business, the English language is the only authorized language that you can use. Unless it deals with something like speaking to Iraqis or something along those lines. But for the most part, English is the only language American soldiers are allowed to use while on duty.

Thought it was in AR670-1, since technically in uniform, conduct etc.. I haven't been to a board in about a year, so I'm still rusty :) I think it's on AKO I believe, I know there is a regulation.

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Your math is a bit off. March 2003 we crossed in, it's 2007. Bush did the best he could being put in the 9/11 situation. And yes, we're keeping Al-Qaeda at bay over in Iraq, rather than them flooding in bombing/killing innocent women and children. So in a way, it is keeping this country free from them. It was never going to take 3 months, unlike the Gulf War, we actually pushed/crushed Baghdad, and went all the way up north. Taking over a country is a little harder than it looks in the video games and on CNN.

The more posts I read of yours the more I see how blind you are to free thinking. It's a shame. You have a problem with someone having issues Learning the most difficult language to learn. You talk about these magical WMD's. You support bush.




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