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Iraq Inc


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Read this on cnn.com and thought it was really interesting. It's semi-long for reading online, but it is a magazine article afterall. Its about a guy named Brinkley who is trying to revitalize Iraq's manufacturing factories and private industries that were once government owner/operated.


One thing I thought was REALLY interesting..."Thanks to decades of oil wealth, Iraq was the most industrialized country in the Arab world. Government jobs - in factories, with the army, at universities - were guaranteed for life. Paychecks weren't high, but the cost of living was artificially low. Electricity was free, as was a college education and health care. Gas cost less than a nickel a gallon. Every household received monthly food rations." Of course this was Pre-Kuwait invasion and before the first war.


Another really interesting point... "There are still people who will look you in the eye and tell you the problems in Iraq have nothing to do with economics - that it's strictly sectarian divisions and a desire of people to exact revenge. I find that argument absurd." -Brinkley


So if your bored or just need something interesting to read, enjoy. http://money.cnn.com/2007/08/31/magazines/fortune/iraq_inc.fortune/index.htm?postversion=2007090410

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