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Need to find a QUALITY stereo supply store/installer


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I've already got a blown speaker in my brand new truck (<2,000 miles :mad: ) and instead of trying to get it replaced under warranty (they fuckin suck anyways), I figured I minus whale just upgrade.


Here's my criteria:

-Want to keep factory head unit. Aftermarkets look like shit IMO.

-DON'T want subs of any sort. I can't stand overbearing bass.

-Clear and quality sound is what I'm going for. Preferrably loud as well. :D



I'm thinking about just replacing the two factory 6.75" speakers and two tweeters with a nice component setup + a nice amp to drive them. (Don't you have to have a pre-amp output on the headunit to do this?)


I'm not up to par on my stereo equipment, so, what's a damn good brand(s) for both the speakers and amp these days? I'm willing to pay for it if it's quality, so price isn't tooooooo big of a deal (no $5,000 speakers though, please).

-Is Boston acoustic still good?


Last question. Who'd be a good stereo shop to go to to buy this stuff? Every one I've ever seen seems to be shady as hell. I might do the install myself, and I might not. Haven't decided yet, so someone who takes pride in their installs would be a big plus.





p.s. yes, I searched.

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Personally, Alpine Type R speakers.


I spend 275 at Bestbuy for 6x9's and 6 1/2's w/ a 1"dome tweeter. They have nice sound quality, just find a place cheaper than Best Buy.


Pioneer sound good for the price.


Fosgate Speakers sound great.


Just go to places and test em out.

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I have Polk MOMOs and I don't need a sub or amp. I can let you hear them if you like. I have the 6.5" components up front and the 3 way 6x9s in the rear. It's the best sounding system I have ever had. I got them for less than $300 total on ebay, brand new.
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Guest evobound

If hobbz has the hookup on Focal, they make some great stuff.


I run CDT, best bang for the buck in my opinion.





Keeping the factory headunit can really limit you in terms of sound quality. If you're gonna shell out the bucks for aftermarket speakers and an amp, I'd really suggest getting a headunit as well. I installed my HU before my components and amps and all that, and the unit alone made worlds of improvement in the sound from even my little stock speakers. I was amazed.


I run this:



It's a Pioneer Premier P880PRS.


* Auto time-alignment

* Auto equalization

* 24-bit burr brown DAC,


and a refined look with no flashing blue leds and crap. Probably the best headunit I've ever used. The auto-TA and auto-EQ are really indispensible. It's a 2006 model, so get 'em while you can. :)


The unit's about $275, includes harness, dash kit, warranty. (sonicelectronix.com)


You might want to skip the rear fill and 6x9s and all that.


Having a pointsource behind or below you drags your soundstage into the mud, and causes listening fatigue. So if you want sound-quality, you might not wanna run mids in the rear, or use a coaxial set of speakers with a tweeter down by your knees.


Besides, speakers are supposed to be round ;)


If you let a shop install your mids, they'll do a half ass job. A doorspeaker install looks like this:




They just won't do it. Last time I used a shop, they used duct-tape instead. No deadening, no routed MDF rings, no nothin'.


Car audio is 90% install, 10% equipment. And 5% beer. :)


You're welcome to take a listen to mine as well, but you're in charge of that last five percent. :burn:

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that unit is blah


for 160 I got a sony that can nativley control a ipod it also has a usb poirt on the front i can plug my thumb drive in to play mp3s.


Also I know like with my monte carlo, To put a aftermarket radio in I have to relocate the stock radio to the trunk as it control certin aspects of the car.

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  Thorne said:
for 160 I got a sony that can nativley control a ipod it also has a usb poirt on the front i can plug my thumb drive in to play mp3s.


It also has AUX out in the front and comes with the iPod cable. It is also set up for satellite radio. This is the same head unit I run in the RX 7. For the $, I'm very pleased.

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  Austin said:
I've already got a blown speaker in my brand new truck (<2,000 miles :mad: ) and instead of trying to get it replaced under warranty (they fuckin suck anyways), I figured I minus whale just upgrade.


Here's my criteria:

-Want to keep factory head unit. Aftermarkets look like shit IMO.

-DON'T want subs of any sort. I can't stand overbearing bass.

-Clear and quality sound is what I'm going for. Preferrably loud as well. :D



I'm thinking about just replacing the two factory 6.75" speakers and two tweeters with a nice component setup + a nice amp to drive them. (Don't you have to have a pre-amp output on the headunit to do this?)


I'm not up to par on my stereo equipment, so, what's a damn good brand(s) for both the speakers and amp these days? I'm willing to pay for it if it's quality, so price isn't tooooooo big of a deal (no $5,000 speakers though, please).

-Is Boston acoustic still good?


Last question. Who'd be a good stereo shop to go to to buy this stuff? Every one I've ever seen seems to be shady as hell. I might do the install myself, and I might not. Haven't decided yet, so someone who takes pride in their installs would be a big plus.





p.s. yes, I searched.

Gimme a hollar (740)549-2828 We carry diamond, eclipse, pioneer etc.. We do install and everything else you want :) (especially if you want it done right)

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Guest evobound
this is key, i read your last posts


^ You are correct. I'd expect the same treatment.


Shawn, .. wait a minute. You're not even here!@ :asshole: Long distance ballbusting will not be tolerated.




*edit: and there's a new guy to do his work now. Funny thing is, he keeps asking me for info because Troy leaves him there :p


He has this annoying habit of just walking up and tapping you on the shoulder. I WTFed all three times.

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  evobound said:
^ You are correct. I'd expect the same treatment.


Shawn, .. wait a minute. You're not even here!@ :asshole: Long distance ballbusting will not be tolerated.




*edit: and there's a new guy to do his work now. Funny thing is, he keeps asking me for info because Troy leaves him there :p


He has this annoying habit of just walking up and tapping you on the shoulder. I WTFed all three times.


Jesus. We BETTER be moving soon.

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I like Pioneer, they're good for the price. I have kicker KS components all the way around powered by a 4 channel Kicker amp. 350W I believe. Running the stock 6 disc by way of a 4channel line out converter (therefore, no need of a pre-out). It sounds really good. Installed it all myself so can't really help you out on shops.


However. I'm adding a HU soon enough. It would've just got ripped out in Columbus. I agree though. Stock looks much cleaner then aftermarket, but the difference a hu can make should be worth it.

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.... Ba is garbage.. if your looking for high quality sound go with diamond or JL, kicker components are solid also.


and with those youll probibly like drop 250-300 on the amp.


like 600 bucks gets u a top notch setup. 300 bucks has u pretty loud with decent quality.

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