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Big Steve

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Guest FooFooMaru

weird cause i just saw about 40+ african americans down by the fountain at WSU. this was about 40 min ago so a little after midnight and it was funny Because a couple walked by and girl said I hope I don't get lynched.


sense of humor needed. not trying to come across racist. so please simmer.

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I grew up on the hill and it was odd when I was in middle there was always the crips. I went to high school with nothing but bloods.


I know there is the Wayne St bloods. It's a shame so many wanna be thugs. Real thugs don't scare me they keep to there own shit and what not . Fake thugs bug me because they always got something to prove.

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Like Thorne said, real thugs dont advertise. Flags dont have to hang out of your pocket, you can wear whatever color you want, and if you see their gun its already to late. Not to mention 9 times out of 10 they will not get caught if they decide to commit a crime.


Fake thugs - run around screaming what set they claim. Only have one color of clothes in their closet. Always have a bandana on some part of their body. Are stupid enough to shoot you just to show their friends how true they are. And 9 times out of 10 end up in jail getting butseks from LEEEEEEEROY JEEENKINS!

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Only people that you should look out for is the people with nothing to lose. Thirsty. Only area that would raise any interest is them people on the east have nothing to lose. They do not care at all! I have seen some shit out that way! 90% of the time it is the bama and cali boyz!
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Thanks for reminding me to clean my guns and insure they are all loaded and ready to go. Time to throw the dogs some raw meat too.


Just another reason I want to live out away from everyone. You may not be allowed to shoot and kill trespassers / burglers in all situations, but on my in laws property which is about 105 acres of rolling hills, rivers and what not, no one would ever find the body in my lifetime. I'm looking for property like that.

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Just another reason I want to live out away from everyone. You may not be allowed to shoot and kill trespassers / burglers in all situations, but on my in laws property which is about 105 acres of rolling hills, rivers and what not, no one would ever find the body in my lifetime. I'm looking for property like that.



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jackson county.

we just bought what you want, and its every where down there.


on leno or letterman they were talking about how jackson county ohio is the best place in the country to make a body disappear.

and its true.



Thanks for reminding me to clean my guns and insure they are all loaded and ready to go. Time to throw the dogs some raw meat too.


Just another reason I want to live out away from everyone. You may not be allowed to shoot and kill trespassers / burglers in all situations, but on my in laws property which is about 105 acres of rolling hills, rivers and what not, no one would ever find the body in my lifetime. I'm looking for property like that.

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Thanks for reminding me to clean my guns and insure they are all loaded and ready to go. Time to throw the dogs some raw meat too.


Just another reason I want to live out away from everyone. You may not be allowed to shoot and kill trespassers / burglers in all situations, but on my in laws property which is about 105 acres of rolling hills, rivers and what not, no one would ever find the body in my lifetime. I'm looking for property like that.

I'll split the cost with ya :thumbup: I'm looking for a place to make small bunker/hide-out in case shit hits the fan and I need to wait things out :)

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