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Marry our daughter !


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LOLERCOPTERS galore over here








A: Absolutely. Within the United States girls can marry as young as 13 years old with parental permission, and the Bride Price is a custom of long standing, mentioned many times in the Bible, and as such is a protected religious practice. Click HERE for a listing of the age limits and legal requirements in various states. Click HERE for what the Bible says on Bride Price

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To propose to one of Our Daughters, just click on Propose on her listing and you will be directed to our proposal form. Please do not propose to multiple Daughters or you risk having all your proposals disqualified.


this is a classic site lol

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Anna R .

Age: 17 ½,

Location: Northeast


Bride Price:

$3,995 Anna R. has been living with foster families since she was 5 and is a bit rough around the edges but is basically a good girl. When she turns 18 she will age out of the foster system and will have to move out and is looking for a kind and caring man to look after her needs while she looks after his.



LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. A bargain, if I do say so myself.

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Samantha O..

Age: 16,

Location: Southeast


Bride Price:

$8,995 Samantha is a tomboy through and through and can hunt, fish and shoot and drive with the best of them, quote sports stats from any team you’d like to mention, and can hold her own in a cussing contest. While all that is great fun she’s tired of being thought of as one of the boys when she’s a girl at heart. She’s looking to be treated like the young lady she really is.

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Polygamy was also accepted in the bible, but that shit surely isn't allowed now. I wonder what would happen if the courts got ahold of this.

All I have to say is you have never been to southern utah cause that shit is all over down there and nobody does shit about it.

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Anna R .

Age: 17 ½,

Location: Northeast


Bride Price:

$3,995 Anna R. has been living with foster families since she was 5 and is a bit rough around the edges but is basically a good girl. When she turns 18 she will age out of the foster system and will have to move out and is looking for a kind and caring man to look after her needs while she looks after his.


Seriously though, sex stuff aside, I wonder it if would be worth it? think of it, for a flat 4k you get a 24/7 babysitter (if you have a kid), housecleaner, and cook as well as someone who can do chores, run errands etc.. of course it might take some time to trust her enough to take your car for a drive but you could always buy her a huffy? And sure you might have to train her on how to do some stuff but after training Im sure it would work out just fine. Think if you brought your new gf home...


gf "whos that"

you "oh thats anna"

gf "who the F is anna and why is she sleeping at the foot of your bed"

you "its a long story, anna is alot of things. One of those being gaurd dog, hence she sleeps at the foot of my bed"

gf "she's hot"

you "you think so huh?"

gf "can she sleep up here with us?"

you "no, thats just disgusting, who would sleep with an animal anyway?"

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After reading the DOs and DON'Ts, Please fill out the form below.




Ask your Daughter what her dreams and goals are, and what she wants out of marriage and life.

Ask your Daughter to tell you exactly what she is looking for in a husband – what she expects out of a life-partner, the qualities that are important to her.




Do not be sexual or sexually explicit in any way.

Do not specify contact information. It is fine to write in general terms such as “northeast” or “southwest.”

Do not include or attach a photo (you can’t anyway) – when you have passed our review process, we will ask you for a photo for your listing.

Don’t include your Daughter's full name. First names and last initials are fine.


As a parent, how could you ebay your kid? WTF

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After reading the DOs and DON'Ts, Please fill out the form below.




Ask your Daughter what her dreams and goals are, and what she wants out of marriage and life.

Ask your Daughter to tell you exactly what she is looking for in a husband – what she expects out of a life-partner, the qualities that are important to her.




Do not be sexual or sexually explicit in any way.

Do not specify contact information. It is fine to write in general terms such as “northeast” or “southwest.”

Do not include or attach a photo (you can’t anyway) – when you have passed our review process, we will ask you for a photo for your listing.

Don’t include your Daughter's full name. First names and last initials are fine.


As a parent, how could you ebay your kid? WTF

Don't listen to Chris Hansen :eek:

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“Our 15 year old daughter Mary wasn’t very popular and did nothing but mope around the house bringing everybody down, so we decided to marry her off through your site. Now our house is a lot cheerier and we love our new swimming pool and Jaccuzi! We’ve told our youngest that when she turns 15 we’re going to marry her off too!"


—Mrs. James P.

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