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Resurection 93 Z28 Stroker

Guest RoundIIRacing

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Guest RoundIIRacing

I pcked up my engine today around 3p.m.,started puttin the accessories on,took a little break,went to king of columbus,started to head to the Lube,got caught in the rain,so I'm back at the shop(3a.m.)finishing what I started.It'sna be a long night!%5Bimg%5Dhttp%3A//i158.photobucket.com/albums/t89/shawn_devoll/rebuild2.jpg[/img]



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Guest RoundIIRacing

It was the usual,fast,but I'd rather see more cars driven in instead of trailored!Thats just my opinion of what "king of columbus" should be!

Thanx by the way!We're about to get some sleep we been at it for a while!All I have left is to bolt on the intake,put in and fill the radiator,and hook up the "big stuff",then she'll be readyto fire!Well I still gotta go pick up my plugs at jeggs in the morning,they had to order the damn things!Order,order,order!!!I'll keep evryone posted clear up untill I get rollin,well that is for you who really give a shit!

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Guest RoundIIRacing

It's 5A.M. ,and we're really callin it quits,dead ass tired!Almost 70%done,gonna get up and hit it early!Thanks for the help(ryan,jason,chris,C.J,&tyler),quite the pitcrew!



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  1FstLt1stroker said:
It's 5A.M. ,and we're really callin it quits,dead ass tired!Almost 70%done,gonna get up and hit it early!Thanks for the help(ryan,jason,chris,C.J,&tyler),quite the pitcrew!



looks like a turd... j/k, looks good hope to see it out. heared u talk about it alot

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Guest RoundIIRacing

Got it runnin,sounds like a wild lion!I gotta little poppin at idle though!I think it's definetly got to do with the tune!I did go another step colder on the plugs,and the block was decked 20,the heads 10,then I had the intake match ported,so I guess it's kinda a different set up!I'm hittan the dyno tommorrow ,then we'll get it straightened around,hopefully!



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Hey man, that all looks good! Who built your motor? I just got mine running again but I guarantee it does not sound as mean as that sweetness right there! I'm trying to talk Dad into shelling out the money for me to build a 396LT1 for him and put it in one of his 69 camaros. It would be cool since the other 69 camaro has a 396 big block in it!

Also, I talked to a Shawn Duvall (spelling?) with a 396 LT1 car from Zanesville a year or 2 ago...is that you?

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yeah that would be the same shawn. The car is running but we are having some issues with and and are sorting them out now.


bosstedgtp- the motor is about 12.5:1


This motor has beeen built many times and no luck. It blew up due to percision autosports in dayton ohio fucking the tune up (long story). Then it was rebuilt by COE (centeral ohio engine...by jegs on 11th) Bad new there. They failed to properly secure the pickup tube, not shure how it was a bolt on style. I guess they should have used locktite or tack welded the nuts? Well it fell of and huff there goes the motor. This time around FAST (right by howie's shop did the motor) We video taped the tear down and when the pan was pulled ...there is was just laying there. We cooled off about this over night and then went the next day to present the tape to the owner. He said it was forged and we made it and people can do stuff like that all the time now. He refused to help us and actually tried to start a fight!!! Keep in mind this guy is like 60yrs old. Well we decided to take it to FAST(right by howie's shop) this most recent time, so far so good. Like i said just working out some bugs and getting the big stuff dialed in.

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he has built many motors for a friend of mine for years. I didnt underatand eithier. I am not trying to say they do bad work, because my buddy has running engines from them now. Rather they dont stand behind there work. It was obvious what had happened and whos fault it was. We didnt even ask for him to pay for everything, we ask for him to cover labor if we covered parts!
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