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FREE Big Screen TV- does not work


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The TV worked flawlessly for 14 years, right up until Friday night. It turned itself off and would not turn back on. We think it is a power supply issue. It may be an easy fix, it may be total junk who knows. It is a mitsubishi 50 inch. Come get it today before I get drunk and roll it to the dumpster. Most likely won't hold it for you and no dibs bs.



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No N64, but make an offer on it. We're just up the street from you. Its Craig's you probably remember him from the ColsDSM days. :)


games F1 world grand prix

Turok 2


GT 64

south park

star wars shadow of the empire


ridge racer 64

wave race 64

top gear rally 2

2 controllers


The TV is pending pick up...

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