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This Friday Sept. 14th


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im not talking about racing him. im sick of how he goes about him self, for example i was at a buddys with some friends and we all heard a nice sounding cobra, it was hal, he was driving by and we flaged him in the driveway, he immediatly says "What am i here for." with an attitude, we were like we just wanted to say thats a nice car, replyed as the cocky guy he thinks he is, and was like lets digg steve i was like ok right now. he replyed are you serious the ground is wet or whatever (no big deal.) just the way he went about himself. not to mention about 5 people just wanted to knock his block off for talking smart..
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im not talking about racing him. im sick of how he goes about him self, for example i was at a buddys with some friends and we all heard a nice sounding cobra, it was hal, he was driving by and we flaged him in the driveway, he immediatly says "What am i here for." with an attitude, we were like we just wanted to say thats a nice car, replyed as the cocky guy he thinks he is, and was like lets digg steve i was like ok right now. he replyed are you serious the ground is wet or whatever (no big deal.) just the way he went about himself. not to mention about 5 people just wanted to knock his block off for talking smart..

well hell steve most just wants to knock ur block off sometimes so thats is not saying much

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How about this, you guys race each other from a dig and a roll. Then once those races are done, you foot race each other, then arm wrestle, then leg wrestle, then play twister, then flip a quarter, then play high card low card, then pitch quarters, then once that is all done, just fist fight. That way we can all see who has a faster car.
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How about this, you guys race each other from a dig and a roll. Then once those races are done, you foot race each other, then arm wrestle, then leg wrestle, then play twister, then flip a quarter, then play high card low card, then pitch quarters, then once that is all done, just fist fight. That way we can all see who has a faster car.



by the time i read all that i forgot what the thread was about

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im in 3rd gear at 60 ...50-130 is fine its all in good fun any way

now come on ur dodging me u pulled up to taco bell 1 night and was wanting to race my bike or mikes stretched r1 when u got tuned talking big in front of people there


p.s sam was there he rode my busa up there and i was riding a older stretched r1

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im not talking about racing him. im sick of how he goes about him self, for example i was at a buddys with some friends and we all heard a nice sounding cobra, it was hal, he was driving by and we flaged him in the driveway, he immediatly says "What am i here for." with an attitude, we were like we just wanted to say thats a nice car, replyed as the cocky guy he thinks he is, and was like lets digg steve i was like ok right now. he replyed are you serious the ground is wet or whatever (no big deal.) just the way he went about himself. not to mention about 5 people just wanted to knock his block off for talking smart..

Lol you dumb fuck, I've called you out countless times on here. You bitched out cause you won't run me for money. Now tell me, how is it that I don't back up what I talk.


Don't be a jackass and motion someone into a driveway then stand there dumbfounded and silent when they pull in. Yes I want to know why I'm in a driveway with tools like yourself and singleturbo3kgt.


The way I went about myself for a whole 2 mins? You sure can judge people well by knowing them for 2 mins.


Knock my block off? If you wanted to, you guys coulda tried; it really wouldn't have bothered me much seeing as I could choose to jsut drive away. I don't give a fuck if you get offended because someone doesn't like you and doesn't want to be around you. If I had known who was going to be in that driveway I never would've stopped.


Talking smart? I don't think you have any idea what smart is. You're smartass attitude is what has made so many people dislike you. You're such a retard you asked a faster car to run you for "pinks". You also happen to be such a smartass that you asked me to dig in the rain.


In summary, go kill yourself. I am officially backing out on my race I offered you so many times. I hope your car blows up doing 111 racing someone for pinks. You said "wunna dig race" gives street racers a bad name. You are wrong, people like you give us a bad name. Your constant idiocy is the reason we get so much shit. You're a selfish fucking moron that I wouldn't trust to cross the street without someone holding your hand.

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what high school do you go to where people actually talk about fighting someone else cuz they are cocky GROW UP!!!! and hal is not cocky at all from what ive met him

Thank you, I try to be more laid back off here.


Are you going to be rolling out this weekend? I'd like to try the same roll you did with Ant if you want.

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50-130? I avoid using 4th gears on rolls. I promised Shanton I would, but other than that I dont race past 130


We will defer that race to the one with Alex,



Cool, 50- 135 it is :D



Lock that one in for 3 wide. BTW Alex now that the race is locked in and we are gonna lose... How do I know were gonna lose? ... Well in the game of Hustlin Wich I know nothing about" You forgot to tell him to run us off spray.


You live and you learn:p




You comin with us saturday?...

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We will defer that race to the one with Alex,






Lock that one in for 3 wide. BTW Alex now that the race is locked in and we are gonna lose... How do I know were gonna lose? ... Well in the game of Hustlin Wich I know nothing about" You forgot to tell him to run us off spray.


You live and you learn:p




You comin with us saturday?...


:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I can do motor, its all for fun

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