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Federal Helment law.


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I don't like being told I HAVE to do anything, but really, don't you think it's important to wear a helmet while on a bike? And another thing, you want Ron Paul, the Ron Paul from Texas, to win the election? You obviously haven't spent as much time as I have in Texas. ;)
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that's going to be really tough to fight if the Feds get involved. Eventually they'll do what they did with the previous speed limit issues, which means that they'll withhold transportation funding from the states that don't adopt the policy until those states give in...sucks, but it's true.
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It's something that shouldn't be required, similar to how the seatbelt shouldn't be required. The issue though is how the country has become a country that alot of the population is nearly incapable of taking responsibility for their own actions. From this the government has to step in to help people from killing themselves or others and not being willing to accept the consequences of their actions. Such is the reason I'm really not opposed to it.
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It's something that shouldn't be required,


Does it really fuckin' matter? Truthfully the decision to not wear one is not just yours, if you have a wife/children and you are not wearing a helmet go fuck yourself. That is the most irresponsible thing, most bike insurances and LIFE insurance polices pay nothing if you have no helmet on. Trust me I know, I had one on and I had to prove it. Even if you just have family it affects them too. It's almost been 4 months for me not working and recovering, and I had one on. I'd be in the fucking ground for 4 months if it wasn't for my $50 Icon helmet. Put on a lid and STFU.


BTW it should be the right of the clean up crews that they don't have to scrape up what is left of your head when you wreck.

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I do not agree w/ any laws along these lines: Seatbelts, smoking, who you can marry, abortion....


All of these things should be of ZERO concern to the Gov't. It doesn't matter what your personal stance on it is, the Gov't should not be able to make laws about these type of issues...


Now Minors..... that is a different story...



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