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college ftw.


i currently live with 2 of my best friends and our favorite lovely skank. she's got a new guy every night and treats them like shit, its so funny how attached they get.


anyways,the point is befriend your enemy....then fuck your enemy rotten.











then sit back and laugh as she gets the clap from some bro

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Ok I saw your post in the "night crew loung" or whatever they like to call themselves. So I'll just copy/paste my response.


"I have to point out the obvious, so your feeling all down b/c your girl fucked around on you, but then you admited to doing the same thing? Did you not think that it works both ways? If your going to cheat you cant be emotionally invested in the relationship in the first place so why would it effect you so much"


Neonkiller is absolutly correct. I use to be that nice guy and was always there when she needed me and a shoulder to cry on when one of her many bf's screwed her over etc... Its a waste of time to be stuck in the friends zone. Most women are just confused, they say they want one thing then obviously become attracted to the exact opposite. Most women are too unstable to become emotionally invested in. In the end you'll just get Effed over b/c she wants to be a tramp. Its easiest to join the team of assholes.

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+1 for treating girls like shit, treating them nice hasnt gotten me anywhere in a long time

I have to disagree. Being a nice guy didn't get me anywhere until I met the perfect girl. If the girl didn't want anything to do with a nice guy then at least I didn't waste any time with a dirty slut.

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+1 for treating girls like shit, treating them nice hasnt gotten me anywhere in a long time


I have to disagree. Being a nice guy didn't get me anywhere until I met the perfect girl. If the girl didn't want anything to do with a nice guy then at least I didn't waste any time with a dirty slut.


Im split, I think Jon is COMPLETELY right but there are exception's to every rule. I have girlfriends that I've known for years that I treat like a friend but nothing more. Then again there are plenty of women out there that not only enjoy being treated like shit but feed off of it. You just have to be smart enough to pick out which one is which. Kind of odd that I broke up with the latest girl, she text's me and tells me to "lose my number". So I said ok and ignored her, 3 weeks later she's still a squirrel asking me to hook up with her and her friend, weird how that happens. If she would've stuck to her argument of wanting a "relationship" then why would she want to hook up again knowing that its not gonna happen with me? They say one thing, and do the complete opposite.

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no such thing... jsut be an asshole and have fun.





However when you do meet a girl or IE one down fro the long haul you should know when enough is enough.




However, So far I have seen both sides. And so far I like being the asshole that shows up late to the club steals ladies from the guy that has been buying them drinks all night and comin out on top.


I dont know about you but alot of girls like guys that are cocky and that will stand there ground either right or wrong IE "Team Asshole" lol

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Girls that like assholes are easy, stupid, and probably have some sort of complex that they had developed from when they were younger. I've played the part of the asshole and had plenty of fun, but take it from me that when you find the right girl she won't ask for your bad side (ie my girlfriend, who is a sweetheart).


They are out there.

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Ok so this whole asshole thing apparently works...but my problem is, I dont know how to be an asshole. I was raised by my mum and therefore have always been taught to treat every girl with nothing but the upmost respect. Learn me in the ways of the dark side!
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