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Betting vs. Not Betting On Races

V8 Beast

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That almost sounds like you just want to guarantee yourself a win to win the money race by seeing how the first free race looks.


If you don't bet first race I don't see the point. I say money race first and if the person who usually money races should give you the option of going again double or nothing.



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I'll thrown around a few 20's in a night, but nothing more then that for me, it always seems to be a pissing match when the amount hits over $100, and i don't like drama. But i still think adding a few bucks can make it fun.


Just thought about this, but didn't this topic already get covered like 2 months back or some shit anyway?

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all my money goes in the damn car...leaving nothing to bet with. but normally my buddies bet on me, or for me. and i get a share, then i start the betting. one night i left with a full tank of C-16, a extra 5 gallons of C-16 and 2 full bottles. i came home with 1/3 of a tank of gas, and 2 empty bottles and $400 bucks. yes it was a good night!
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That almost sounds like you just want to guarantee yourself a win to win the money race by seeing how the first free race looks.


If you don't bet first race I don't see the point. I say money race first and if the person who usually money races should give you the option of going again double or nothing.




Nope. If the person comes back and says lets race again for $ I usually say ok. I dont request them, they pm me and ask.


To some that $20+ bet makes the race worth it. Plus after the first race we know exactly what it takes to make the next race fair. At first I was like forget betting, but then I started thinking that its only $20 and its not like I do it everyday. I have wasted more money on crap, if I lose money racing at least this way I had fun.


Yeah I said $20, I'm a big spender :D

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I'll thrown around a few 20's in a night, but nothing more then that for me, it always seems to be a pissing match when the amount hits over $100, and i don't like drama. But i still think adding a few bucks can make it fun.



true story

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That almost sounds like you just want to guarantee yourself a win to win the money race by seeing how the first free race looks.


If you don't bet first race I don't see the point. I say money race first and if the person who usually money races should give you the option of going again double or nothing.




If this were the case, I'd sandbag his ass the first race. ;):D

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Guest RoundIIRacing

I must be crazy cause I'd rather race for enough money,atleast a small %,so I can fix my car in the case of a catastrophe!We all have a good bit of money in our cars ,along with pride,and ego!If you spend $60.00 for 5 gall. of race fuel,plus fill some bottles$100.00,your allready out of pocket.Then you eventually gotta think about rubber!That's why my car won't be at the track so I can maybe,break my car for free!

I'm new to the scene,my car still has a few tunning issues,but It'll be around!I figure if I can't get no action in the city, I wouldn't mind giving pinks a try!WIN BIG ,OR LOSE IT ALL,Fuck it!

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I'll thrown around a few 20's in a night, but nothing more then that for me, it always seems to be a pissing match when the amount hits over $100, and i don't like drama. But i still think adding a few bucks can make it fun.


Just thought about this, but didn't this topic already get covered like 2 months back or some shit anyway?



i agree anything under or up to 100 isnt really that big of a deal.. at least for me.. and usally doesnt cause to much shit..myb a little more shit tlaking but thats about it.


and as long as your not racing some asshole whos to hto headed to understand its a race.. big deal.

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I'm glad someone agrees,if you race a guy for $50.00 weather you win or loose,you break anything,WTF is $50.00 really gonna cover....towbill?



yah now go race a year or so for free and break a bunch of shit and then suddenly you realize even a couple bucks offsets the tons of money you spend fixing things. heck even if i win money to cover my gas for the night i am happy

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I look at it differently. I see it as I built my car to race, and racing breaks things. The money helps in the short run, but most of us here (from what I have seen) dont race enough to make more than one hundred a summer. Now some of the race club guys make that in a night.... I just dont like betting, when I do bet its basically just me showing respect.
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I dont see any reason to race for money. I didnt build the car to make money, we all when you mod a car you're not ever going to get back what you put into it. I built it to enjoy driving it, sometimes its just fun to race other people. sure it costs me money for gas and premix, but thats why i have a daily driver. i pull the car out to have fun and i feel like i get my moneys worth when im driving it.


when the money comes in for races people start getting hot headed and serious and it usually just gets ugly. people dont like to lose races, and they really dont like to lose money. all sorts of sketchy shit happens and all the sketchy mother fuckers come out of the woodwork. We've all raced those people who swerve at you and flip you off or throw shit at you when you beat them in a race. how pissed are they gonna be if they lost money too? do you really even want to deal with those people or be around them? i dont.


i stick to racing with my friends or other people who i know are just in it for fun and wont care if they lose because they just like driving their car and having fun.

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i stick to racing with my friends or other people who i know are just in it for fun and wont care if they lose because they just like driving their car and having fun.


well said.



i say if you wanna race for money, go get some sponsors and race in NHRA.


street racing should be about having fun. not money. the risks are already high enough as is.

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i dont know about any one else here but this isnt fast and furious, its just a bunch of guys talking shit and seeing whose got the biggest nuts, no one here is dropping 2 grand on a race so whats the point. twenty is fun but what is twenty bucks gonna get you ? more gas to run out on the next race? just run for fun unless you dont like the other guy
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i dont know about any one else here but this isnt fast and furious, its just a bunch of guys talking shit and seeing whose got the biggest nuts, no one here is dropping 2 grand on a race so whats the point. twenty is fun but what is twenty bucks gonna get you ? more gas to run out on the next race? just run for fun unless you dont like the other guy


False. When the real races happen only a select few know about them.

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