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Looking for a guitar teacher...


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I'm posting this for a friend, so please use the email below...


I'm looking for a guitar teacher who doesn't teach with boring methods. Someone who will teach me to play songs that I actually like. I can go from there, but need some help getting there. I have no desire to learn all the major guitar mechanics, if you know someone please send them my way.

My email is wantingguitarlessons@gmail.com


Thanks :)

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My brother learned from just enjoying it, wanting to learn and getting guitar magazines. He was pretty good last time I checked. Hell I even messed around with it a little, but I'm no artist by any stretch, but could see it as a pretty easy instrument to learn.



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I took lessons for 6 years from a teacher at Colonial Music in Worthington. He taught me whatever I wanted to learn, sometimes by just showing me, or by making me practice theory with that song. His name is Tom Tussing. He does both guitar (Acoustic/electric) and bass. If I can find his card, I'll shoot you a PM.
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