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IED going off on a convoy.


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Not a horrible IED video, but definatly probably one of the most touching things I've seen. What a honor. It always takes sacrafice, courage and honor to defend this nation and thos the people who contribute to it, a very big thank you.



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from what my brother has told me IED are everywhere. At least where he goes. He said he rather raid house where the bombs are being made cause he had a better chance of not getting killed so fast. He counted around 100 explosions over the past three years that have been close to him. close enough to kill his friends.
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I hate all the tribute songs and video's. All they do is show people who could only see the CNN side of things, a weak perception of things.



Well I thought it was pretty nice for someone to do something like that to show a sense of pride and respect for one's family. I didn't know being respectful was a distaste to other's but ya never know.

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How well are those humvees armored? Would the people inside have survived?

All the frag kits on the M1114 up armored humvees do alright, but can't really stop 5- 155mm arty shells from turning it into a pile of burning metal. Seen more than my share of M1's and M2 Bradley's burning to the ground and people dead/trapped inside. Getting out on foot is the only way to combat the IED's, sweeping out past 200 meters on both sides of the road is one of the only ways to sweep and clear. I'd say 85% of IED's are triggered with copper wire, meaning it's easy to see and cut it while on foot.

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Didn't the Gov't order a bunch of those personel carriers that were shown on 'Future Weapons'? The ones with the V-shaped bottom to deflect IED blasts.

Buffalo, RG31 and the Meercats (not sure on spelling of that one) They have been, but they're damn expensive and a huge target. Our Buffalos were a brigade asset while I was there, meaning we had 2 AH64's on call, plus me with my other 2 bradley's following on a route clearance. Cat and mouse game.

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How well are those humvees armored? Would the people inside have survived?


A 155 round is 100Lbs of high explosive encased in a 1/4" steel shell. Think of it as a huge assed grenade. Sadly, the steel armor plating is not very efective, I have seen where shrapnel went through both sides of the hummer.

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