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For the doctors in the house


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I am not sure if I pulled a muscle in my abdomen or not. I did do a fair amount of yard work and cutting of a tree with a chainsaw all sunday. Then I removed some wallpaper in my bed room.



Pain started Monday after I woke up. Today the pain is worse then yesterday. The pain is one inch below my belly button and 2 inches left of it. It constantly hurts but it is a dull pain. Nothing throbbing or extreme. If I stretch or bend my stomach it hurts more. If I apply pressure to the spot it hurts more.


What does this sound like to you?

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Quick way to tell if its a muscle or not: Lay flat on your back, with your legs extended. Raise your legs off the floor (that contracts your abs) and press on the spot on your abdominal wall that was painful. If you can fully reproduce the pain you're having - its muscle pain. If you press and don't feel any pain where you push, the origin of the pain is deeper in your abdomen - time to see your doc.
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