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Ron Paul


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I think he's got a great message, A great plan but people are not willing accept the truth.



My number one choice. sadly I don't think he will get the nomination if he does not I hope he goes again.

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I like this guy alot. He seem's honest, and out for the good of the country and democracy in general. While I personally prefer someone more 'middle of the road', I like the honesty in this fella. Like he's not swayed by what everyone else is doing and cant be bought off.


I hate the fact that he doesnt get as much exposure as he should, and for that reason may not win his party. Id want him to run again but damn thats 5 years away not to mention he already ran in the 80's.

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I like this guy alot. He seem's honest, and out for the good of the country and democracy in general. While I personally prefer someone more 'middle of the road', I like the honesty in this fella. Like he's not swayed by what everyone else is doing and cant be bought off.


I hate the fact that he doesnt get as much exposure as he should, and for that reason may not win his party. Id want him to run again but damn thats 5 years away not to mention he already ran in the 80's.



He's honestly as middle of the road as it gets. He probably has nearly as many democrat supporters as republican. Thorne was all about Obama until I showed him the light, and my second choice is Fred Thompson. Opposite ends of the spectrum, both rooting for the same candidate.


Ron Paul is up to 4% in the polls. Pretty sad, but it's still a showing.

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He's honestly as middle of the road as it gets. He probably has nearly as many democrat supporters as republican. Thorne was all about Obama until I showed him the light, and my second choice is Fred Thompson. Opposite ends of the spectrum, both rooting for the same candidate.


Ron Paul is up to 4% in the polls. Pretty sad, but it's still a showing.


Last i saw he wasnt seriously in the republican running at all but that was a few weeks ago. And republican or democrat aside, getting rid of the IRS and the Fed are pretty radical thought's. Im not saying Im for or against them just saying that its an extreme platform to be on.

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RP believes that the Fed and the IRS were never allowed by the Constitution, and are unnecessary for our country. We would get by just fine without them.


His ideas may seem radical, but what he wants isn't anything the country has never seen, just things we haven't seen in a long time. People have become so used to this country moving towards being a police state, and more socialist, that his thoughts scare the sheep out there.

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RP believes that the Fed and the IRS were never allowed by the Constitution, and are unnecessary for our country. We would get by just fine without them.




The Federal Reserve is nothing more than a private company that is allowed to print worthless notes. Our money has no true value since it is not based on the gold standard, it is nothing more than a pipe dream. That is one of the reasons that we are losing ground to other currencies.

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I am for Ron Paul as well. I like the fact that he is taking a non polular stance. I also agree that he probably won't win his party nomination.


Also my sister is a Democrate, and is amazed that we are for the same candidate.


I personally am against big government. I want my privacy, and I want to be able to make my own choices. I am also tired of struggling everyday to make my bills, while paying 33% of my income to the government.


I wish more people were for personal accountability, and less about wanting someone else to "fix everything" for them.

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He has never voted to raise taxes.

He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.

He has never voted to raise congressional pay.

He has never taken a government-paid junket.

He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.


He voted against the Patriot Act.

He voted against regulating the Internet.

He voted against the Iraq war.


He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.

He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.


Congressman Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, probably more than any single member of Congress.


Congressman, Doctor, Veteran.


Ron Paul has been a Congressman for 20 years, an OB/GYN, and a Flight Surgeon in the U.S. Airforce.

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The only thing I don't agree with Ron Paul about is foreign policy. That is were I am with Thompson.


I think that Paul may be so on target that he will not get the nomination just because the public has had the idea of government as a personal keeper or big brother for so long that they may not fathom giving up the current corrupted form of our Government. The shock to most people is that government is not responsible for your welfare, you are. I don't know if most can handle that.

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Watched a debate with him and some other canidates last night on PBS, and seeing him speak was fun to watch. For how old he is the man is very energetic and passionate about what he is talking about and you can see he believes in himself. I like him and hope he gains more momentum, or goes in as a 3rd party canidate I would vote for him or Fred Thompson.
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The only thing I don't agree with Ron Paul about is foreign policy. That is were I am with Thompson.


I think that Paul may be so on target that he will not get the nomination just because the public has had the idea of government as a personal keeper or big brother for so long that they may not fathom giving up the current corrupted form of our Government. The shock to most people is that government is not responsible for your welfare, you are. I don't know if most can handle that.


Unfortunatly the liberals will use the welfare to their advantage, saying well they don't care about you and want you to fend for yourselves, while we will console you and take care of you so you can continue to feed of the people that do work. Welfare needs to be changed to help the people that actually CAN'T work, instead of helping the ones that WON'T work.

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Unfortunatly the liberals will use the welfare to their advantage, saying well they don't care about you and want you to fend for yourselves, while we will console you and take care of you so you can continue to feed of the people that do work. Welfare needs to be changed to help the people that actually CAN'T work, instead of helping the ones that WON'T work.


I agree.

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