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Hilary Clinton


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^ proof about the fact being a women is a huge issue this time around.


^It's sad that we do look at race/sex that way. But It is true the question was asked.



^ wow........................................... WTF?


I'm having trouble finding a quick breakdown like i did with the others. She does by far have the least useful info on her youtube channel vs the others.

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Her healthcare policy is crap. As much as I HATE rush limbaugh he did make a good point, when she was involved in Clinton's cabinet in Arkansas, she took over education legislation and was determined to make the state better, by time she was done the state was still 49/50.


From what I've read of her Healthcare reform she basically wants to give tax credits to everyone to suppliment the cost of healthcare. Once saying "just as states mandate auto insurance, health insurance will be the same", so if my job is outsourced over seas and I need to use your tax credits to... I dont know... eat and take care of my family what is the penalty of getting caught without health insurance? Would it be as simple as a fine, or something more serious that could be considered criminal? Just doesnt make sense to me but then again Im no expert at any of this crap.

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Her healthcare policy is crap. As much as I HATE rush limbaugh he did make a good point, when she was involved in Clinton's cabinet in Arkansas, she took over education legislation and was determined to make the state better, by time she was done the state was still 49/50.


From what I've read of her Healthcare reform she basically wants to give tax credits to everyone to suppliment the cost of healthcare. Once saying "just as states mandate auto insurance, health insurance will be the same", so if my job is outsourced over seas and I need to use your tax credits to... I dont know... eat and take care of my family what is the penalty of getting caught without health insurance? Would it be as simple as a fine, or something more serious that could be considered criminal? Just doesnt make sense to me but then again Im no expert at any of this crap.

Did she ever stop to think that some people choose not to have health insurance? I elected not to have it for about 10 years, now I have kids and I keep a $2500 deductable per person policy, just in case.

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Did she ever stop to think that some people choose not to have health insurance? I elected not to have it for about 10 years, now I have kids and I keep a $2500 deductable per person policy, just in case.


So you dont have health insurance on you or your kids? Or you do but the deductable is really high?

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Guest hotrodmama024
For the past few years i really wanted to see her as the next president.. due to how the clinton team ran office. I know for a fact now i wouldnt vote for her. Thank you everyone for posting this information. It has been very useful!!
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Third video down, with regards to how "feminine", she needs to be, etc


Unfortunately, I'm just too conservative.


Her comment went something like this, "You should vote someone into office who is going to do something better for YOU"




I just don't believe in this philosophy. I want to vote someone into office who will get back to the core principles that made this country great. Our country is great because we fight from the trenches, not because the government mandates it. I think some of our country has lost it's spunk.....because we've forgotten how to earn our rights and privelages......and now so many expect them to be given out by the government.

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