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halo 3


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Jaggie means the flow of movement isn't smooth or there's alot of edges on objects that don't flow with the rest of the silhouette.


I didn't notice it. But then I was on a 720 P samsung and using an HDMI cable.


I'm using an elite with the HDMI cable, and it's pretty bad. I put other games in to see if there was something wrong, and it's only like this with Halo 3.

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Well there is alot of proccessing with this game going on so it's taking alot to power it. I'd say there will be updates on live that will fix this. I did notice slight choppyness when it was really intense but not really the jagginess. Oh well it's still an awesome game either way.
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the only thing i noticed thats really frustrating is the map.... freezing or multiplying the enemies? anyone notice that? happens a few times a game for me.


If it freezes to the point that you have to turn off the 360 you have a defective Halo. The first one I got froze every 30 minutes, so I took it back. Now it works fine.


The multiplying enemies is actually a new feature of the game. Its like the power drain, bubble shield, and power regenerator. Its called a radar scrambler.

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Nevermind V8BEAST beat me too the answer but here's what I wrote anyway.



Yeah the multiplying the enemies is an item you can pick up. It's called a radar jammer or somethin like that. It's one of the options like the flare, bubble shield, and deployable cover are. It's awesome on multiplayer and the enemies actually know how to use it on this halo.

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Nevermind V8BEAST beat me too the answer but here's what I wrote anyway.



Yeah the multiplying the enemies is an item you can pick up. It's called a radar jammer or somethin like that. It's one of the options like the flare, bubble shield, and deployable cover are. It's awesome on multiplayer and the enemies actually know how to use it on this halo.


haha now i feel dumb. i had no idea there was such a thing. whats it look like?

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So, going outside is fun. You know, going for a drive on a curvy road. Feeling more wind than just a fan...


I guess I'm just still stuck in the days when N64 was new. Oh well, never played Halo, probably never will.

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i was 3rd in line...sitting on a foldout chair playing uno with random people who were sitting next to me..

I remember you. I was a few behind you, I had a black long sleeve shirt on. There was some kid in front of me who kept shouting nerdy jokes at people.



Anyways, this game is still slowly deteriorating my schoolwork. :lol:

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