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Faith is a Mental Disease


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I depends on what your standard of proof is. If you are looking for a clinically controlled double blind study for religion, you wont find it. But just open your window and look outside, the birds, the grass , the trees the hills ect. proof of God that is good enough for me.
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I agree......and I also see it when I look into my kids eyes. They may biologically stem from my wife and I, but there's no doubting that the true light from within them isn't just man made or something to not believe in.


I depends on what your standard of proof is. If you are looking for a clinically controlled double blind study for religion, you wont find it. But just open your window and look outside, the birds, the grass , the trees the hills ect. proof of God that is good enough for me.
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Faith is equal on both sides of the fence. Either you believe the evo's and think that the earth came from the big bang theory, and humans came from pond slime or think that God created us. Equal amounts of faith is needed either way, neither view came be proven in a controlled clinical study
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The definition for insanity, according to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, is "something utterly foolish or unreasonable". And the definition of faith is a "firm belief in something for which there is no proof".


no proof? so one day a random guy decided to sit down and write a book that would follow along with what has happend on earth thousands of years later? Thats enough proof for me.

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Faith is equal on both sides of the fence. Either you believe the evo's and think that the earth came from the big bang theory, and humans came from pond slime or think that God created us. Equal amounts of faith is needed either way, neither view came be proven in a controlled clinical study


I didn't know there was a church of Mitsubishi :confused:

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Talking to ones self and believing in something that you know is real are two totally different things.



"In conclusion, I think that faith is a mental disease. Not necessarily a major illness, but nevertheless something quite worrisome. This disease needs to be and can be cured. "


Wow strong words for something that will never be backed up. You cannot take ones religion away. Heck people bring there "OTHER" religions here everyday and we have to jump through hoops to accommodate them.

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How long have you been out of school, Rick? Evolutional Theory has been proven. However, I do understand what you're trying to say.


Just FYI, this link I posted isn't meant to be some sort of 'grail' (heheh, like that?) just one of many, many views/ways to looks at something. Whether you think it's way off, spot on, or just plain ridiculous, my point is depending on who you are, any view can be seen as way off, spot on, or just plain ridiculous. This argument will never die because it if physically impossible to "walk a mile in another man's shoes". Keep that in mind next time you find yourself in an endless loop of an argument with someone. ;)

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how does a bible thumper try to compare two things by using science "controled study"


this is just a question, I have learnd alot from Rick like do not argue your opinion or what you belive hence the reason there have nver been a 1000 yr war over facts like science

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how does a bible thumper try to compare two things by using science "controled study"


this is just a question, I have learnd alot from Rick like do not argue your opinion or what you belive hence the reason there have nver been a 1000 yr war over facts like science


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how does a bible thumper try to compare two things by using science "controled study"


this is just a question, I have learnd alot from Rick like do not argue your opinion or what you belive hence the reason there have nver been a 1000 yr war over facts like science

It's official: reading CAN give you a brain aneurysm.

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So then it should be the Law of evolution? Sorry you are not correct.


Are you picking apart the semantics of my post for lack of argument? I'll restate corrected for you. The Law of Evolution has been proven on a much greater scale than the faith of a being who made me from mud like so much 4yr old playing with playdoh. If you're going to argue or make a statement like that, Rick, you owe it to yourself to study up. I've studied religion and more that just myself, I mean Christianity. :p

They've proven evolution with lifeorms that can be put through many generations in a short amount of time. I won't go into explaining this process since if you're here to opinionize, you should know both sides of the argument and should be able to understand the validity of the science I speak of.

To just come out and just tell me 'you're not correct' is ignorant and bullheaded. I'm not atheist, Rick. I think all things are possible. I'm what you call "agnostic" and honestly, I could argue all 4 sides all day. I'm not even here to argue what's real. Why? Because I'm just some pathetic little being on a blue rock in space who doesn't know my own ass from a hole in the ground. Guess what? The same goes for you and everyone else. ;)

And just to make sure, you know I like and respect you Rick. Please, don't ever take what I say personally. I know you probably think I'm an :asshole: sometimes. :) I enjoy the debate.

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Are you picking apart the semantics of my post for lack of argument? I'll restate corrected for you. The Law of Evolution has been proven on a much greater scale than the faith of a being who made me from mud like so much 4yr old playing with playdoh. If you're going to argue or make a statement like that, Rick, you owe it to yourself to study up. I've studied religion and more that just myself, I mean Christianity. :p

They've proven evolution with lifeorms that can be put through many generations in a short amount of time. I won't go into explaining this process since if you're here to opinionize, you should know both sides of the argument and should be able to understand the validity of the science I speak of.

To just come out and just tell me 'you're not correct' is ignorant and bullheaded. I'm not atheist, Rick. I think all things are possible. I'm what you call "agnostic" and honestly, I could argue all 4 sides all day. I'm not even here to argue what's real. Why? Because I'm just some pathetic little being on a blue rock in space who doesn't know my own ass from a hole in the ground. Guess what? The same goes for you and everyone else. ;)

And just to make sure, you know I like and respect you Rick. Please, don't ever take what I say personally. I know you probably think I'm an :asshole: sometimes. :) I enjoy the debate.


I am saying that evolution is not a law and is cannot be reproduced in a setting time after time. That is why it is called the theory of evolution. :p

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It's official: reading CAN give you a brain aneurysm.



how do you not follow that


what am i missing a comma maybe a period that dosnt make me dumb it means i dotn care enough about you to use correct grammer) since you cant read it if it does not have them why dont you throw them anywhere you want ...,,,,..,.,.,.,!?"':; dont ever bug me again about reading my posts you now have the tools needed

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how do you not follow that


what am i missing a comma maybe a period that dosnt make me dumb it means i dotn care enough about you to use correct grammer) since you cant read it if it does not have them why dont you throw them anywhere you want ...,,,,..,.,.,.,!?"':; dont ever bug me again about reading my posts you now have the tools needed

Fucking Christ.


If you're trying to make an argument about something, wouldn't it make sense to at least make your posts readable? But I guess I'm not important enough for you to reach a few extra inches over to get that caps lock or comma key. :nono:

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