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Faith is a Mental Disease


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Guest 614Streets
I was just about to say this.


I truly believe religion is, get ready for it, part of our evolution as a species. I'll again, quickly try to explain. I think we needed (and may still need to a certain extent) religion to help us establish a moral guide, so to speak. As someone who believes in evolution and the literal proof of bones of other species of homo (you know what homo I mean ;) ), we have developed in a very violent world. Having faith put us above the animals around us and gave us rules to follow to help curb that violence and it gave some of us direction and something to look forward to/something bigger, some kind of meaning. But as we continue to evolve as a people, we're learning these values and learning to implement them without the need of religion. Eventually, it'll be religion that will need to go as it will hamper our development if it is not already. Actually, it took about 2 seconds to think of a dozen different ways that it has. (I'm not even considering the fact there has been more wars and killings in the name of God than anything else.) And don't give me that, well, it's tainted by human touch but religion itself is good. Well, guess what. That can be said of everything. And religion itself has been touch and created by man. And man is not infallible. But wait! We are created in the image of God. So, is god just like us/we are just like god? If I learn to use all my brain, will I be a god? Will you have to worship me? My ex wife and I created a daughter. Are we gods already? If god knows everything, why didn't he know we were gonna fuck up in Eden? Or that Jesus would die on the cross? And was that really the Jews fault or the Romans? If he's so perfect and jealousy and envy, murder, etc are wrong, then why is he a jealous god? How could an omnipotent creature like that be jealous of anything? Man, again I could go on for days and days and days. Yes, I'm sure a couple of you could give me an answer to some of these questions. Hell, I could. I'm also sure, half of the answers would carry as much weight as air and be along the lines of "it's true because I believe it is".

And I'm spent. Too much typing for something that won't matter anyway. lol


Ding ding ding.


But as we continue to evolve as a people, we're learning these values and learning to implement them without the need of religion.


I think it looks this way from the outside but if you remember when yeshua was finally about to die he called out to god. Eli, Eli, lima sabachthani.


Now. From the bible we can see this was recorded. But the life of all men is not recorded by other men as it was on some accounts with yeshua. However if it were and by man meaning both man and woman , you would see in the recording of every living human wheather said or undsaid, and in that recording would be that of a call to a greater. Except one. The one who does not is the same who can influence us with trickery.

The only one who could record each human is that of god.


Yeshua could do the same but it was not extraordinary in sense of god for when he was in the flesh he could see as a human meaning one who did not know of his exsistance would not be seen until a later time when in spirit. He could though see in an instant the validity of any man and would openly allow one to try to influence with trickery because the one imposing trickery couldnt not see what he could see and it would lead that individual with great distress upon thyself until they too became loyal to that of gods eyes.


Quote me not the bible for that is my own statement.



I think your whole statement I quoted above is highly valid and very close to understanding it all , but its missing one thing. Faith. Your own kingdom lies where?

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You hit on things I say all the time, I think its close minded for soemone to say the bible is this and they know and will opress you if you don't believe exactly like they do.

The problem is you are not using any biblical proof for your views. you just use your unfounded opinion. there are lots of things in the bible that I don't necessarily like, but I have to live with it because it is god will. Until you submit to gods, will you will continue to make up doctrinal stances that do not line up with the bible and are only used to suit your "feelings".

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your so fucking funny how you go at it. Until you submit. Why don't you say what you mean . Until you wake up and believe exactgly what I think your wrong. Thats what you mean. There was a point when I was very very religious. I won't like I've fallen off over the years because of people like you. People who told me I was so wrong because I did not beleive some of these absurds ideas . And the ideas posted were no far off then mine.
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your wrong I used biblical proof based on my own interuption of the verses.

But you make up the rational for your interpretation. You fail to use the context, history, lexicology, syntax or any other acceptable method of interpretation.

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Here's what I think of religion. I don't like the structure surrounding it. I do believe in the morals, though. Don't rape, kill, steal, etc.

Morals are a completely different story the Christianity fundamentals. There is a seperation between common sense (right and wrong) and conviction.

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your so fucking funny how you go at it. Until you submit. Why don't you say what you mean . Until you wake up and believe exactgly what I think your wrong. Thats what you mean. There was a point when I was very very religious. I won't like I've fallen off over the years because of people like you. People who told me I was so wrong because I did not beleive some of these absurds ideas . And the ideas posted were no far off then mine.


I will not ever say that another in a different denomination is not saved. I dont expect you to believe everything exactly as I do. But I would expect that since you claim to be 100% sure that if you would die today you would go to heaven that you would actually believe the rest of God's Word.

I guess I am a simple person, I believe if I want to have faith in Gods word I better believe Gods word. I just don't see how you can put 100% faith in the saving power of Christ blood, then turn around and slap God in the face with the rest of the book. :rolleyes:

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I believe the words based on how I've interupted them. I interupt them as a method to live your life not a absolute.



I also accept that its possible for the earth to be well beyond 6k just because of statements in the bible regarding gods view of time.

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Well it (the Bible) said Moses was some 900 years old (correct me if I'm wrong)


and we know no human can live past at least 120 at the moment. It pretty much means he was old. That's what my priest said to me when he came over and taught our class in elementary school.

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Well it (the Bible) said Moses was some 900 years old (correct me if I'm wrong)


and we know no human can live past at least 120 at the moment. It pretty much means he was old. That's what my priest said to me when he came over and taught our class in elementary school.



maybe that was evolution, God learned that on level 1 of SimEARTH humans who lived that long had more termoil so by shortening there life he greatly increased there overall happiness on AVG.

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Well it (the Bible) said Moses was some 900 years old (correct me if I'm wrong)


and we know no human can live past at least 120 at the moment. It pretty much means he was old. That's what my priest said to me when he came over and taught our class in elementary school.


Moses lived pre-flood the earth was very different according to the bible. The book of Genesis tells how God "divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament." Most likely the earth was covered in a layer of ice crystals and water vapor that filter out UV radiation and gave us a oxygen rich environment. this could have resulted in many odd things like living hundreds of years or the flood. The earth may have looked like this:



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maybe that was evolution, God learned that on level 1 of SimEARTH humans who lived that long had more termoil so by shortening there life he greatly increased there overall happiness on AVG.


How do you know the saving power of the blood of Christ is literal?

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Did someone come and pour blood all over me ? No, But the baptism is a equivlant. If pie is not literal how can anything else. Also how can you as mine define a day to god?

Here we go again.....


Baptism is not salvation. There are no references in the bible to that. You have just made that up. This is another prime example of what I said about your failure to understand the bible with any sort of rational.


It is statement like this from people like you that corrupt and continue to cast doubt on Gods word. If you take a person that is new to Christianity and does not have an solid understanding of the bible yet, and start telling them crap like that they may end up confused and start doubting the salvation they have received. :nono:



BTW... Can you point out one instance in the bible that says the a person was baptized before salvation(becoming a believer)?


BBTW.... The answer to pi is not wong, they have not taken it out to many desimal points. For example when I was in middle school they told us pi was 3.14. But as I got older, I found out the number has been taken out to the billion of digits. Does that mean my middle school teacher was wrong?


No, the more complex answer was not needed at that time for my purpose.

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Why is it when i point out flaws you just discount them, I don't get that my point is valid you as man or any man cannnot define what a day is to god. Your telling me god who can do anything did not do it what ever way it/he/she wants? I think thats pretty presumptious and kinda insulting If I was god and poeple were talking stuff completely worng I would be upset.



Also when you take someone new to religion and brain was them into ignoring science you just ruine the world for people who want to further there horizons.


I've pointed out so many bible contradicitons and you always have a half assed answer. The bible is not literal if it is you are going to hell . Just read hte old testiment.

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Why is it when i point out flaws you just discount them, I don't get that my point is valid you as man or any man cannnot define what a day is to god. Your telling me god who can do anything did not do it what ever way it/he/she wants? I think thats pretty presumptious and kinda insulting If I was god and poeple were talking stuff completely worng I would be upset.



Also when you take someone new to religion and brain was them into ignoring science you just ruine the world for people who want to further there horizons.


I've pointed out so many bible contradicitons and you always have a half assed answer. The bible is not literal if it is you are going to hell . Just read hte old testiment.


I hope that no one on this board takes your knowledge of the bible seriously. You never answer any biblical question with any sort of commonsense, or even moderately acceptable method of interpretation. The only way you answer is what is convenient for you to justify what you want it to say.


Your reference to the old testament and going to hell is just another example of how you twist the word of god. The old testament shows us we need a Saviour. The new testament tells us of the arrival of the Saviour. We cannot follow the old testament law to the letter and God knew that, but he had to show us that before a Saviour could be delivered. Otherwise we would ignore the Saviour.


again I ask....


Can you point out one instance in the bible that says the a person was baptized before salvation(becoming a believer)?


I assume that you do not have an answer for this.

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if the old testment is just a story to show a need, Then why ist he earth only 6000 years old its just a story that needed a ref point. man you flip on how you defend your version of the bible so often. I know the biblical stories well, I also relize they contridict each other at various parts. Do I need to post the list againa.
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I never said he was baptized I was saying i thought it was some type of friggin symbloism. . But Ican show you referances to GAP Theory. BGut I'm sure you don't want o hear that science and the bible can be true.


Explain to me how we can see stars.

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if the old testment is just a story to show a need, Then why ist he earth only 6000 years old its just a story that needed a ref point. man you flip on how you defend your version of the bible so often. I know the biblical stories well, I also relize they contridict each other at various parts. Do I need to post the list againa.

You have not posted one yet, because there are no contradictions. You may have different accounts of a story from one person to the next but they do not contradict.

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Did someone come and pour blood all over me ? No, But the baptism is a equivlant. If pie is not literal how can anything else. Also how can you as mine define a day to god?

Do I need to bold it again?

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So Thorne,



You still have not anwsered how you know 100% for sure you are going to heaven. Or is heaven and hell also not literal?


You have said the blood of Christ is not literal, the bible contains errors and contradiction, the time lines in the bible are wrong and so on. So if you do not believe the minor details how can you trust that you will go to heaven?


I am awaiting your :bs: answer

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More than likely, nobody's going to make some life changing decision on their core beliefs after reading a thread on CR. :D


You're right but this thread is making me think in a way I haven't thought for over 3 years.


I am open to the possibility that there are operations and systems in our universe that we cannot even begin to comprehend.


Any firm worldview requires faith to some degree.

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