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ORC4511.43a ... F*CK :(


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ORC4511.43 is Right-of-way rule at through highways, stop signs, yield signs.

So I got a (IMO) bullshit ticket for failure to yield. This was on E.Powell road (Polaris Parkway) heading toward RT23.

Any suggestions on beating the man?

This was from a state trooper in Delaware county so I'm guessing my odds are slim ... but I'd hate to eat the two points on my license and insurance which is totally clean.

Edited by JonS
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sounds like you did a rolling stop ?

Except when directed to proceed by a law enforcement officer, every driver of a vehicle or trackless trolley approaching a stop sign shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering it. After having stopped, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another roadway so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard during the time the driver is moving across or within the intersection or junction of roadways.
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You rolled a stop. Why is it a BS ticket? You were unfortunately the one pulled over if others were doing it, but the old saying "If they'd jump off a bridge, would you?" might apply here...

Unlucky, but you're pretty much in the wrong and will be lucky to get out of it...

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You rolled a stop. Why is it a BS ticket? You were unfortunately the one pulled over if others were doing it, but the old saying "If they'd jump off a bridge, would you?" might apply here...

Unlucky, but you're pretty much in the wrong and will be lucky to get out of it...

"And if the queen had balls, she'd be king" .... but lets get real here

I'll probably plea this down to a lesser charge with no points and pay whatever fine/costs.

word to the wise ... its the holiday season and THE MAN is out there :(

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Me and the 4532534523 other shopper at Polaris Mall; I just happened to be the lucky one.

ever go fishing?

did you ever catch ALL the fish in the lake?

stop means stop, not pause. come to a complete stop, count to two, and then go, and you will avoid these tickets in the future.

Edited by John
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"And if the queen had balls, she'd be king" .... but lets get real here

I'll probably plea this down to a lesser charge with no points and pay whatever fine/costs.

word to the wise ... its the holiday season and THE MAN is out there :(

Good luck with that. Doubt they lessen the charge...

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I know if it says stop then you should stop... blah blah blah but if anyone on here got stopped & ticketed for that they would be pissed to, I know I would. Damn waste of time cops stopping for supid shit.

The drunk that hit me got his f**king court fees refunded.

Anyway, Did they get you on a cop car camera or anything? if not it's your word against theirs, not the best position to be in but better than caught on camera, just a thought.

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Anyway, Did they get you on a cop car camera or anything? if not it's your word against theirs, not the best position to be in but better than caught on camera, just a thought.

Thats a fight "Joe Public" will NEVER win. Judge will always take the LEO's word over the defendant.

As mentioned by others, if you were in the wrong, you can't be pissed at the cop, you can only be mad at yourself.

Doing something wrong before and getting away with it does not make it right, its still a risk.

Shitty time to get a ticket though with Christmas shopping to do and all :(

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I can't really argue the fact that you were in the wrong, but goddamn...TWO points? I got that many for doing 90 in a 65; I think two is way excessive for rolling a stop sign.

Here's a lil' joke I just came up with:

How do you know it was a slow day for catching speeders out on 270 and 71 that day?

The cops were doing even more useless of shit than normal that day.

ZING. Go stop some criminals cops...be useful for a change.

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Eh yeah when you put it that way, it makes sense. In Jon's situation it doesn't sound nearly as bad as the classic "car pulls out in front of a bike on a country backroad, biker killed car just goes "oops i rolled the sign""; I hadn't really considered the latter.

I still stand by my hatred of cops giving out tickets though. :p

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I can't really argue the fact that you were in the wrong, but goddamn...TWO points? I got that many for doing 90 in a 65; I think two is way excessive for rolling a stop sign.


I don't agree.Think of it this way.Are you more likley to be injured on your motorcycle by a car going 90 mph on the freeway with you or the car that blows a stop sign in front of you.

I understand you didn't blow a stop sign but you did get a ticket for running a stop sign.

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What if there had been a bike coming down the street that you did not see because the weather was shitty the all of the sudden BLAM! Just a thought! that is how that happens "rolling stops".

+1 This summer a girl went through a stop sign and I was riding the gixxer and it ended with me and the bike on the ground. The weather was fine out! I agree a stop sign means stop not slow down and roll through.

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