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They called me stupid!


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I saw this in the dispatch while I was in line at the grocery store and wondered if anyone else could relate to the opening paragraph:




No, It wasn't me that got caught doing 140mph on 33 down by Lancaster, but... well lets just say no cop, no stop. Anyone else have the same feeling?


The only really crazy thing in that article is that a truck driver was ticketed for doing 104mph! I guess he was going downhill or something :confused:

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51min is my best... belt to belt. 84miles... 51min... average speed... do the math... but its about 8mph over my trap at Norwalk :D That was in my Z24 too... havent tried anything stupid like that since i got my license back.
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I don't do that stuff much if at all any more. With two kids and job that pays well and a co. car that I don't want to lose, it's not worth it. I have had the GXP up to 140mph though. She gets there dang fast so it's not like I'm exposed too, too long...but you do cover a lot of ground so from no cop to a cop in the berm it's not like you can see them and slow down. It was a pure luck run. Nothing like what some of you are capable of I'm sure given the times and power around here.


Maybe it's just me, but 100mph isn't really that fast unless there are others around to worry about. I do hit that more often as again, cars today hit that so fast without any effort....and slowing from 100mph to 70mph doesn't take much either. There's nothing like a little fun goosing it to triple digits and then backing off and then cruising.


I do most of my speeding and fun on roads cops never even go on anyway. Downside is the limits are usually 45-55mph so if one does catch me :rolleyes:

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I really haven't been much of a speeder since being young(er) and stupid(er) and having my license suspended with privs for 6 months, my natural speed just kinda mellowed out to 65 to avoid attracting attention. That, + the inheritance of the truck just makes it impossible for me to speed.


That said, this summer I made it from Knoxille to Blacklick in 4 hours 45 minutes in my old Celica with 140k on the clock. Toyotas for the motherfucking win.

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I have an 100+ ticket. I asked the cop what he ment by the plus and he said you were going faster than 100... "no fuckin shit" then i asked if it was 100+ what was my speed he gave me some bullshit crap... needless to say without him being able to prove my speed (i.e. no radar or laser also did not pace) the judge was confused why he even wrote the ticket. I ticket got tossed and I had a good laugh!

Speed doesnt kill....it is the sudden stop that does.

SRT4 157mph

Viper 170mph

78 Aspen with 440 big block and 323gears in the rear TOP SPEED *UNLIMITED*

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Anyone who flies on the 33 trip from Athens up to Columbus is just asking for a ticket. That's the most heavily patrolled strip of highway.


I have been pulled and ticketed just out of lancaster heading to athens. so yeah it sucked

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