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Cancer is back :(


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I'm really broken up over this, My aunt has the same cancer back again. They took a bone marrow bioposey to test. I'm scared I think she won't recover this time. I am praying but I just don't know.



I'm sorry guys I felt like i needed to say something I'm a fucking mess. My aunt is like my mom as I have trouble talking to my mom (Long story). But she's really sick again, They keep her so doped up I have not have a conversation with her that was meaningful in so long I forget what its like.

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Thanks guys. I wish my mom had it instead, So she would be nicer to people and relise how good she has it.


Sorry my aunt being sick has caused me to relize how heartless people can be and how 2 faced.


My aunt is one of the realest people you would ever meet, She does not judge you for screw ups you may of had in your life. She loves you for you and does not back stab you. I just ask myself when stuff like this happens why is it people claim god does all this great stuff but if he really does interact to help people how can he let someone who is good hearted like this go threw so much and let someone like her sister go scott clean on hurting people.


And the trials and tribulations crap is just a cop out i think at this point :(. I'm so sorry this is destroying me inside .


I know these thoughts are wrong and messed up but I'm just so disheartened. I can't control how i feel.


God I'm wrong forgive me for my thoughts.

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I'm really sorry to hear this Bill...:/


I was hoping she was finally better. It really isnt fair how the world works. Has she tried any "home remedies" or anything like that? Or has all of her treatment been solely medical...if that makes sense. I dont know if there even is anything to strange remedies, but sometimes you gotta try anything you can..sorry man.

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Guest alpin3star5
wow. thats sounds bad. sorry to hear about that. but my grandma died of malignant melanoma brain cancer and lung cancer. if you keep a positive outlook you ll be fine. thats all i could do.
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chagned mind on post.



I just am so frustrated and depressed abouta ll this because of allot of shit.


I'm going to be listning a bunch of shit on ebay here soon to help get some money for the uncle and aunt stuff.

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Bill realy sorry to hear about this. I am going through the same thing right now with my mother. back in 96 she was diag. with stage 2 Ovarian cancer. which fought and beat it for 4 years until it came back in her liver. She went through Cemo and was able to beat it for another 2 years until now and is again going through cemo again. Again she is beating for how long we don't know but I believe, no I know in my heart she will recover.


Your Aunt will recover from this as well you have t okeep a positive attitude about it.

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Sorry to hear, cancer is a horrible thing to go through. Just suround her with positive attitudes. Dont harp on the bad things. Think of the good times, talk to her even though it seems pointless. She hears you she just cant repsond how she wants to and she needs your support and the family.Stay strong, even though she has been diagnosed it dosent always mean the worst.


If you are wondering how i can say this,I have been through this alot.


I will keep her and your family in my prayers.

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Sorry to hear about your Aunt. I was just talking to her a few weeks ago and she seemed to be doing great. I hope and pray for the best. Let us know if you need anything.

yeah but my bitch ass parents stressed her out and made her sick again.

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She just told she thinks god hates her. Do you know how hard it is to talk to someone about spirtuality when you doubt it yourself :(


Thank got I have a logical side that allows me to be onjective.


She thinks shes gonna die this time :(

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Bill, really sorry to hear about this. Cancer is a terrible diease! You can fight it, and think it's finally gone, and then it can come back. Just remember she seems to be a strong woman, help her through what she needs and be there for her. She can do it again I'm sure of of it. With enough prayer's and support people can get through the worst situations. You need anything let me know. My best goes out to you and the family. Keep your chin up, she will get better, she's just going through the hard times.
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