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Like a good neighbor, I'm going to call the cops on you


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So Saturday evening Troublemaker (Jesse) comes over to my place to watch the game. We were thinking of BBQing. When I got the lighter, I grabbed a few packs of fire cracker2 too. I love fire works. I set them off often, because they are fun. When I come home from work, the kids come out and ask if I'm going to set some off. The parents are all cool with it and I'm safe and make sure the kids are behind cover. When ever someone new moves into the area, I let them know that I do this often. One guy goes to bed at 8pm, and I don't let them off after that.

So while I'm letting them off, I notice this lady, 5 or 6 town house's down watching me. I didn't recognize her, but waved to her. She acted like she wasn't looking at me and I know she was. Anyway, I set off a few more and I was ready to start the grill. I'm in the kitchen and the voice comes through the screen door, "You're done." I look through the door to see a cop on my back patio looking in my place. I said "ok". We had been done for 5-10 minutes. No big deal.

A little while later, I'm out back and see the cop walk onto her patio. Our buildings are separated by a fence. I walk out front to see if his car is parked in front of my place and he walks out from behind the building. He had hung around to try and catch me setting more off. He starts walking toward me like I've done something for walking into my front yard. I said I was sorry he was called out for this, all she had to do was ask ans there would have been no issue. He says, with some attitude, "You've been doing it for a year". "Next time we get a call, I'm coming out and arresting you". I simply said "I understand", he turned for his car and I walked away.


I'm not saying I was not wrong for setting them off. I just think it could have been handled by her coming over and asking me to stop. I would have, and with no issue. So now the other neighbors have been saying they want me to set some off because they like it. I have told them to go ask her if it's ok. I'm not going to, but if they go ask, that would be great.

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Well that cops sol....they cant arrest you if they dont catch you in the act and they cant search your house with out a warrant. Could you see that? Going before a judge to ask him to grant them a warrant because someone called and said you were setting off fire works? Cops make me LOL!!!


I wouldnt worry about it, i have had the cops called on me for setting fire works off all the time. If they dont catch you the only thing they can do is well NOTHING.

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Well that cops sol....they cant arrest you if they dont catch you in the act and they cant search your house with out a warrant. Could you see that? Going before a judge to ask him to grant them a warrant because someone called and said you were setting off fire works? Cops make me LOL!!!


I wouldnt worry about it, i have had the cops called on me for setting fire works off all the time. If they dont catch you the only thing they can do is well NOTHING.



I'm not too worried with the legal part of it. I thought about just setting off a pack of fire crackers every time I leave. They show up, I'm not there. It's just not worth it. I do like the sending poop idea though. I'm thinking of doing that.

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Several people on here have been to my place. Everyone of them will say my neighbors are very cool. They are always looking out for my cars. The kids keep a good distance from them and love it when I bring the FD out. I take them for rides and the parents too. Our neighbor hood is pretty close. This lady just throws everything off by calling the cops. I might mail here some poop. But, I'm done with setting anything off for a while. If I see her out, I'm going to talk to her. I want to be able to at least do some on New Years and the 4th of July.
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Thats why I moved 15 miles out of the city, don't have to deal with that bullshit. A friend of mine sold his house in Westerville because he got tired of the neighbors calling the cops on him for working on shit in his garage, or for having his trailer parked at the house.
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Thats why I moved 15 miles out of the city, don't have to deal with that bullshit. A friend of mine sold his house in Westerville because he got tired of the neighbors calling the cops on him for working on shit in his garage, or for having his trailer parked at the house.

What can be said about the town that brought us the peace and traquility of Prohibition?

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Yeah but the cop couldve approached it a little better aswell. I know they have a tough job at times but I've never met a cop who wasnt cool about fireworks. My brothers and i use to set them off at their apartment in Dublin and as soon as we got the first call, cop would walk up and say the same thing. 'we got a call, we know their fun but your neighbor's are complaining so please stop, thanks'. And that was it.


I wouldnt do anything to further provoke the neighbor. If she over reacts this much over some firecrackers then what's next? Who cares if she wants to complain about everyone else and be miserable then let her.

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I'm sure you are a good guy, but just like that lady, I don't know you. I live in a subdivision and only know 4 or 5 of my neighbors. It's sad that not everyone knows each other and gets along, but I must say that I understand her point of view.


Would I have called the cops? Hell no. I have the ability to talk to just about anyone. She may be a total bitch, but I still can see a slight reason for her to handle things the way she did.


In closing, next time just say you are doin it for the kids and everyone will back off:)

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The fact that she was too much of a pussy to walk up and say something face to face is what pisses me off the most.


That's how I see it too. It's not hard to just ask someone something. If there is an issue, if there is, then fine call the cops. Or even talk to the other neighbors and see if they have an issue with it and then maybe see the other side. I have 6 people on one side that I talk to often and 3 on the other side, she is 4 down on that side. I don't even know if there is a guy there. If there is, why not have him come out.

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Good job of keeping your cool. Most people would have tols the police officer where to put it (which you can do if you do it "politely"), and would have have had a nice long conversation with the neighbor about being neighborly. A good neighbor always asks first, then calls for help if you ignore them.


Why would you want to get on the bad side of people that will be living beside you for years to come? Why not talk it out so that she doesnt get tp'd every other week?

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