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Life is short have an affair


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Guns don't kill people, husbands that come home early do.

-Ron White



What he said!


Thats why you have Sais, katana and samurai swords..............................





so you can blame it on the ninjas.


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haha no way... seriously? Ok thats creepy.


Yes very true.. It's only $10 bucks a month too lol follow there every step and set up boundries to were if they go outside of it your phone will alert you..

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Yes very true.. It's only $10 bucks a month too lol follow there every step and set up boundries to were if they go outside of it your phone will alert you..



Hahah, Damn that is too fucking funny, but yet scary!~!


Now I know how my stalker knew where I was all the time haha.

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