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Indecent proposal

V8 Beast

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Sure since you know everything that must be true. You might change your mind seeing that money in front of you. I don't care how religioul you are, money is tempting.




I would hope no one ever offers me that so i would not be tempted, but i know and so does my wife that it would be against our beliefs, and how could you ever tell your kids where the money come from, and even if you dont have kids now someday you may, and the question will come up from them daddy how are we so rich or how do we have so much money and you don't work...explain that..


Listen work can be a drag sometimes but its what were suppose to do,..anytime you think God i hate working,.....just think how a severly handicap person would love to be normal and get up everyday and go to work......life can be worse for those of us that are healthy and able...enjoy life...


"i remember when 30 seemed so old, now looking back, it was just a stepping stone"..................i stold that from an Alan Jackson song, country singer.

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I would hope no one ever offers me that so i would not be tempted, but i know and so does my wife that it would be against our beliefs, and how could you ever tell your kids where the money come from, and even if you dont have kids now someday you may, and the question will come up from them daddy how are we so rich or how do we have so much money and you don't work...explain that..


Listen work can be a drag sometimes but its what were suppose to do,..anytime you think God i hate working,.....just think how a severly handicap person would love to be normal and get up everyday and go to work......life can be worse for those of us that are healthy and able...enjoy life...


"i remember when 30 seemed so old, now looking back, it was just a stepping stone"..................i stold that from an Alan Jackson song, country singer.


I value honestly. I would tell them the true story when they were old enough to understand why I did it.

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Now I may be dumb, but ain't we talking about 10.6mils total here? Fuck it I'd do it for 7. 7 ain't alot of money, but its alot of money all at once when your a working man and the money I could make with that would be well worth the effort of doing some crap sex stuff. Furthermore getting paid because you knowingly let your wife do it as well is not gonna feel as bad as when she tells you she's been doing it for like 2 years and now she's done with you. In that situation your stuck with no cash and still got a little dick and who wants that?


I'd do and lose about anything to get to better my lifestyle and not have to work another 40 hour week again and I know most any of you would too. Just the interest from 7 mil in an internet saving account would be 350K per year. I ain't ever gonna make that.



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Now I may be dumb, but ain't we talking about 10.6mils total here? Fuck it I'd do it for 7. 7 ain't alot of money, but its alot of money all at once when your a working man and the money I could make with that would be well worth the effort of doing some crap sex stuff. Furthermore getting paid because you knowingly let your wife do it as well is not gonna feel as bad as when she tells you she's been doing it for like 2 years and now she's done with you. In that situation your stuck with no cash and still got a little dick and who wants that?


I'd do and lose about anything to get to better my lifestyle and not have to work another 40 hour week again and I know most any of you would too. Just the interest from 7 mil in an internet saving account would be 350K per year. I ain't ever gonna make that.




That is true. When you are rich (and smart) your money works for you. Hell you could take 1 million dollars, invest it, work for 5 more years, then and retire. As long as you dont try to live like a superstar you'll be set for life.

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with the way things go in life if someone were to make that offer, $7mil is pretty strong and I could think of worse things that would keep me from saying yes.....but with my luck the guy making me the offer would likely be this:




ouch! :eek:


So it's fake....point still made.

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taking it in the ass one time for $7M beats going to work daily for life any day. add in the few times that we all have to kiss ass and take in the ass in some way at some point....



Could you really drive down the street in your Ferrari knowing everyone has seen your video on the internet and knows how you got it. Dwell on that shit. It would eat you alive. Now, I could have my wife do it no problem. :)
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