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Fuck Me. Toatled GSXR


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NO Whodey this means that the bikes that I have to beat the piss out of are getting exactly that. Except I forgot that when you beat the piss out of a bike you risk beatting the piss out of yourself. And all I have to say to that is PUCKER FACTOR and anyone that has been down knows what the hell I am talking about. And Yota is a LIAR he said his wreck was kinda fun. That was not fun at all...

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glad to hear you were wearing your gear and that you're ok. Make sure to check everything over VERY closely before deciding the future of that bike, it'd sure suck to get in the middle of a track bike rebuild just to find a small crack in the frame.

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Oh my god dude are you f***ing nuts...yea glad to see your all right and all but can we call

that a brain fart or what ... 85mph is too fast for tricks says I... :drink:

(sorry i just had a dad moment)

Ok, calm down. He is ok and the bike can be fixed.

thank god for helmets... :roll: :eek:

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I agree way to dumb to be on 2 wheels. But thats all it took was one time to put myself in check. Now its left to cruises and tracks (because thats all I have left bike wise) not ot mention the PARKING LOT only bike. But all i needed was one reality check and I fucking got it the hard way. I guess if they wanted a bike on one wheel then it would only have one.

But all in all I agree DUMB ASS

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  • 2 weeks later...
So I had to call a few of you from the scene but heres the run down reguardless of what I told you when I called (due to cops) 2nd gear wheelie front pegs. That kind of somes it up but I will go into detail. Came back with Denny (my roomate) behind me and basicaly came up too far. As I did I for some reason thought I could run and catch the bike but rolled on the throtle. In turn I fell back at around 85mph hit my dirty ass white Icon lid on some newly paved road and remember thinking Yota said when he wrecked this was fun. And Fuck that, that sucked. But as I was rolling I came up and saw the bike catch the rear sub frame and kick up in the air atleast 25-30 feet at its hights and thinking fuck that would have been a great track bike. Kinda wierd what goes through your head at a time like that. But all in all the bike went a total of 300ft and I went about 200 from what the cop said. The bike is fucked so if anyone needs parts let me know because some of them you can use but most you cant. The battery went another 200 ft and the mirors and head light with the speedo were atatched at the exhaust which was bent at 90 deg. Flounder has the pics soo he will post them.

Special thanks to Flounder and Yota for coming out and getting my dumb ass of the side of the road. And all others for the caring concerns.

Peace and hope you like the pics. :(:(:(:(:nono:

yeah dude that sucks i remember back in the mid 90's i saw this kid with just shorts and sneakers try to do a wheelie down my dads street on a 900RR and it went up too high and he also tried to run behind it and inadvertantly rolled on the throttle...shit he slid about 60 feet on the asphalt with no shirt, no helmet.......and the bike fuckin zinged all the way down the street to then next corner. Needless to say he had gigantic patches of "white" where his "brown" flesh use to be all over his back and forearms. Next day i seen him he look like a mummy all wrapped up in gauze. Our hobby is definately dangerous.

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Thank God you are alive to write about it. Would it be best to try that stuff off road somewhere? I see a lot of fearless riders doing High Speed stands on the freeways and just try to keep traffic far enough back so the pieces won't get run over.

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  • 3 years later...

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