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No Front Plate ticket while parked

Mr. Jones

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Guest evobound

I almost got one in front of Barleys -- fortunately I was seated at the window, and I ran out to feed the meter, only to discover the same situation. Meter had time, but ticket for no plate. I found the lameass who ticketed me and talked him out of it, saying the car was new and obviously there's no front plate bracket on it.


s' BS, man.

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I just recently had the same thing happen to me. i had like 30 minutes left on the meter. I was PISSED. FUCK PARKING. ive had like 4 parking tickets in the last month. now i have some wing-screws that i use to put my plate on whenever i leave it parked on campus, and i take em of when i leave. :mad:
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...... two night ago i got a 77 in a 60 .... "tire tread wear"....... no head light...no front plate.... to loud of an exhaust.. yet its "stock"..and for some ungodly reason... "possesion of a poleice scanner" ... yeah talk about getting a fun day in court.


even though when did it become illeagle for the scanner and say nothing of the radar?


Sounds like he was just nit-picking. Cops are just like regular people, piss them off and they get mad. Rather than just being mad they take it out on you by picking every little thing wrong/"illegal" with your car. He knows there are a million cars on the road that are worse but maybe he just didnt like you? I would just get proof contrary to exactly what he cited you for. ie, proof your tires arent too worn, stock exhaust, possession of a scanner (is it actually attached to your car or was it just in your car, you could say you were just taking it from one persons house to another temporarily?) How much was the ticket overall?

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Guest FooFooMaru
pay $40 ticket and be done with it or taking 2 days off to fight a ticket which is less of a hassle to you?



Pay $40 ticket and be done, take X amount of days off to fight it.....OR just put the front plate on-no problems at all. Hmmm ahah


I still like that "no plate on front or back so no ticket" hahha

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Guest neonrtdriver
I HAD THE SAME THING HAPPEN TO ME @ A METER!! Went in to talk to my PO for 5 minutes come out to my car and a ticket for not proper placement cause it was in the window AND THEY TRIED TO GET ME FOR MY WINDOW TINT BEING ILLEGAL!! If any of you have ever been pulled over for tint they have to ROLL DOWN the window to test the tint. So I call to dispute the ticket and the lady says honestly you can fight all you want but you mise well just pay the $110 buks. So im like F that. I call again the next day to set up a date to come show them the car. So I go scrape the 17% tint off the front windows and put 35% on. Go to get checked,they tested and gave me a warning for 35% but ANYTHING under is a ticket. So I still had to pay the $40 for the plate NOT being on the front bumper.
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