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CR Night Crew Forza 2 Challenge!


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Ok, here's the deal. We all run stock cars on the same track. One car, one track. Fastest time wins. Any takers? I'm not that great, really. I was thinking a Honda of some sorts, an SI or CRX on something like Laguna Seca. Nothing higher than a C class? Post input here. It'll keep us racing through the winter. Maybe do a different car and track combination per week until next season starts? Let's keep it to Night Crew members only for now? Dunno.
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I am down for this. Look at my sig below for my gamertag.


So are you wanting to race each other in same exact cars?



Yep, same cars. I think tuning cars would be fair but we should post the tuning perameters here mebe?


Anthony, mang, you can come over anytime and play Forza, Dirt, Halo (s), etc.

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Make it real. Race at the same time and if you're having to use the same car, then there should be at least two races a piece where the other person gets to pick the car/track. Or have one pick the car and the other pick the track and then switch. This will keep people from learning a specific track/car and then using that to their advantage. I think a real test will cover many aspects of the game. Also, I don't have a 360 but I play at Thorne's occasionally, so I'm down. (You're all lucky this isn't a GT4 turney. ;) )
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Yep, same cars. I think tuning cars would be fair but we should post the tuning perameters here mebe?


Anthony, mang, you can come over anytime and play Forza, Dirt, Halo (s), etc.


Lets not tune the car. Just buy a stock car and race it that way.

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Sunday night , Myself and christian will post our times.


Does it have to be stock cars, I've got a D class Supra I really love drivin.


Make it real. Race at the same time and if you're having to use the same car, then there should be at least two races a piece where the other person gets to pick the car/track. Or have one pick the car and the other pick the track and then switch. This will keep people from learning a specific track/car and then using that to their advantage. I think a real test will cover many aspects of the game. Also, I don't have a 360 but I play at Thorne's occasionally, so I'm down. (You're all lucky this isn't a GT4 turney. ;) )
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To add to my previous post:


And if you guys just don't want to do it the way I mentioned and have to do time trials (or would just like to include both, which is cool) then we can have a best time for each track. Not just one. A Track High Score list, if you will.


And you will, dammit. :mad:

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I will post my car and time on track fridaynight when christian come over . eric wanna come over 2? I think if the number is insane you should post video. its funny this came up im currently working ong ettitng a world record.
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I will post my car and time on track fridaynight when christian come over . eric wanna come over 2? I think if the number is insane you should post video. its funny this came up im currently working ong ettitng a world record.



I might be able to do that sunday. This weekend though I might be starting on installing new countertops and a floor in my kitchen. I will let you know for sure.

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I'd be up for this if it's a race with all identical cars on 1 track as long as people play nice, I usually won't play racing games online as people just ram/pit each other all the time and just make it no fun.


Try playing forza 2 drunk and its hard to not at least clip someone ;)

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